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Heres the next chapter this is kinda long we'll i mean longer then those other chapter

And I'll be updating later late evening at 6:00 or where ever u may be🤟💗


Win pov

I'm just laying down on my bed playing in my phone

Yes Mew and Bright give our phone back and I'm very very very thankful for that but they said we are not allowed to

Call anyone waitout there permission

U most be asking they would never know

Welp wrong they put this thing that they can see what we are doing in our phone (a/t: of that even exist lol)those boys don't know privacy..... welp I'm pretty fine wait that I man I don't really call anyone except my friends ofc


Tho  I haven't seen Bright and Mew for a few days now maybe.... There been in there office the whole day the whole day....I quess is good that I don't see Bright all the time bc for some reason when ever I see him or near him my tummy would have batteries

I most me weird UGHH stupid Bright vichirawat (a/t: sorry if I spell it wrong)


Gulf pov

Me and Win have been talking about this for awhile now and Me and Win are gonna ask Mew and Bright....I hope they say yes that's the only thing  I wanna hear from them right now lol ... Hehhe

We arrive infrot of the door I knock the door bc I know if I ask Win to do it he will say no Soo is useless to ask -_-

After 3 knocks they finally open the door idk what there doing inside there for them to take 3 knocks to open it .....oh and I'mma say that this is not one of there room this is there office where this two been hiding for days😒 shush boring ppl

"Do u need anything" Mew said looking at both of us and I can see Bright siting on the couch there and I got to say the room is pretty big af

"Umm...can we like ask something" I said kinda nervous

"Ya sure ask " Mew said still blank face is kinda awkward....

"Umm we were wandering if we can go visit P' Gulf's place" Win said

"No " Mew said about to close the door

I put my feet on the door side thing (a/t: if u know what I mean)

That was  f-ing pain full I said on my mind

But I indure (a/t: sorry I forgot the world I hope this is the right one )

"Wait pls!! I haven't seen my brother for almost a month now" I said begging

Then Mew look at Bright and Bright nod and then Mew nod back

I was confuse of what they are doing

"Ok fine but we're coming wait u....be ready at 5:00 if ur late were not going anymore" Mew said me and Win just nod our heads and run to our room

It was 6:30 so we have some time

Mew pov

"Are u sure about those Mew" Bright said after Mew close the door

"We can't do anything Bright they have family's outside this house they have to visit them or they'll get worry" I said and Bright just nod
Agreeing wait me


Sorry if this is still short my mind is not working I'll updating later evening 😁😁

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