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After some time of driving the finally arrived

Looking at the house they realize that it was pretty far from  other house well not that far

Maybe like 12 ,16 mils away (, sorry if that don't make since IDK anything about mils and things )

They were standing in front of the door now

And also they just realized how they never really when inside this house they mostly just pick them up

( I'm pretty sure u know what I'm talking about )

The knock the door no one answer they knock again and no answer again then they tray to open the door and it was open

Mew look at Bright

They nod at each other and when in

The house was pretty quite which made scary but that didn't stop Mew and Bright from finding out what really I'd happening

Then they Soo the basement light up

They when down slowly

Then they heard voices

" I SAID TELL ME WHAT U TOLD HIM! " shouted something sounded like a girls sounds like Misty

"IM NOT TELLING U " said a guy that

" U will have to " other person said

Then Bright took alittle peek of what's happening

And his eyes widen in shook

That girl name may was holding a knife pressing it to Wins neck

Win glearng at her

"Oh baby don't look at me like that " may said her eye solften bit still had her knife on Win neck

Bright look at Mew

Asking what will they do

Mew starting thinking of a plan realizing that didn't make one

Then Mew accidentally step on something

Which couse a big noice

The two girls look a were the noice come from

Misty started walking towards it

Bright and Mew just sigh

And when out Bright kicking Misty  making her fall then Bright

Pinning her down

Took out his knife and put it in ur neck and made her stand up

Mew posting his gun at May

May still had her knife in Wins neck Gulf laying down wait bruise
(This is what we call abusive girlfriend right it right)

Pls tell me if I had wrong spelling

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