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Win pov

Me and P' Gulf are eating breakfast for some reason....P' New and P' Bright are not treating us like maids anymore mean I'd not a bad thing.....

But is kinda weird......

Then I Soo Bright going down the stairs looks like he just wake up

I was looking at his every step he take then he suddenly look at me we made eye contact

I was so lose in his eyes

Wait what!! I shake my head what the heck did u jus say in my mind

"Hey Win u okie" P' Gulf said

"Ya...sorry"I said eating again


Bright pov

Staying in this house is Soo boring ughhhh

Then saddenly I hear a loud bang sound

I run down stairs

"Win are u okie!!" I said worriedly and running over to him to see if his fine

"I'm fine P' but....I'm sorry for draping the vase tho" Win said looking down

I hold his face and said" no need to say sorry Win all that matters is ur okie"

I said I know I told Mew to not show his feeling to much but....he almost got hurt

"Before careful next time Win' I said helping him up and walking away

Win pov

"Why is he acting like he cares this is making me canfuse" I said to P' Gulf

" Win I feel the some Mew been acting kind and is making me feel weird" I said

"U know what I don't wanna think about this" I said

" Can u ask Mew if I can have my phone for a while" I said

"Why?" Gulf ask

" I wanna call JJ"I said

"Oh okie I will stray" Gulf said

JJ is one of my best friend and we always hang out so I'm missing my friends

But this place is pretty good to stay also mean food and my room is big and this place is quite what else can I ask for....


This is it for now I'll tray to update everyday naa kha😁🥰 next chapter will be more long and more things happening

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