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Mew pov

What do he mean by help us that's what in News mind

He been thinking about what Gulf said to him

Is kinda tressing him out but still he can't stop thinking about it.... how if THERE IN DANGER

Wait maybe not


ughhhh my head is hurting from thinking to mychhh

Saddenly someone spoke

"U ok....u been changing faces u know and u keep standing and sitting down " Bright said while laying down the couch making a ' are u a weirdo face '

"Nothing Bright is nothing just go back to doing whatever ur doing " New said sitting down on his chair

Mew feeled that someone was looking at him he look at Bright

" WHAT " Mew said in a annoyed tone

" U said go back to doing what I was doing I was looking at u the whole time " Bright said rolling is eyes

" Why were u looking at me " New said aliitle awkward

"Umm bc I told u. U been sitting standing and u been doing for hours now 😒 like a weird person

Why what did u think I'll look at u for other reasons hah is ur dreams " Brights said while rolling his eyes again

" I really wanna punch ur face right now " Mew said getting annoyed by the younger more

Bright laugh

" Ok enough I got something to say " New said turning serious

"Go on " Bright said going back to his phone but still listening to Mew

Mew told Bright what Gulf said and things

"Wait do u think they didn't actually lost there memory maybe....they faked it " Brights ask

"Maybe but ...why unless " Mew look at Bright

"..... Those girls did something for sure " Bright said standing up

Mew and Bright was preparing to go to Gulf and Win's house or something like that

Bragging some things they need wait them


Sorry for the late update I was so busy playing games I forget anyways I hope u like this I made this chapter very fast so idk if is good ehhe 😂

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