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3years later

Mew pov

"Bright are u all pack now "Mew yelled

"Ya ya just wait will u" Bright yelled back

Me and Bright are going to vacation

We need to relax and we are also celebrating our graduation

So where going to Korea Jeju island for 3weeks

I'm pretty excited eyyy

Ok ok now I sound like a fanboy heeh

"P' Mew I'm done naa" I heard Bright said

(At Jeju)

Bright pov

It was beautiful here I know this place was the perfect place to stay

"Let's go to our hotel have fun naa" I said

Mew nod in hand in agreement

At the hotel

"Told u this room is great "Mew said smirking at me

"Shut up will u " I said rolling my eyes

Yes me and Mew was chosing rooms

I wanted the one in the 3th floor but Mew wanted the one in the very top

So we played gawi bawi no or rock paper scissors

Anyways this place is pretty great

"Mew let's go to the beach "I said walking out of the room not even caring of what his answer are😂😂

"Oi Bright wait for me are u not even gonna let me answer " said Mew wait annoyed tone


Mew pov

The fresh air feels great I saddenly miss someone

I wish I can see him again sigh

While I was deep in my thought me and Bright saddenly heard loud laughter

We look on our left and Soo two familiar boys but I'm not really sure tho

Then they turn there heads out ways

And Bright eyes widen

My eyes widen too

We Soo the two boys we miss so much

Win and Gulf

The smiled at us

And walk towards us I was Frozen in place

"Hello there "Gulf said smilling at me

"He-hello" u said still shook

"U guys look familiar have I been u before "Gulf said scanning our face

And Win doing the some

The-they don't remember us?


What do u guys think are they faking this or they really lost there memory's

I quess is not the end yet ehhe

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