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Here the next chapter for all of u beautiful human ❤️❤️


Win pov

I was talking to Bright and his not that bad after all saddenly I see Gulf run to his room

I got worry so I told Bright I needed to do somethings which was true.....kinda...idk


Gulf pov

I was laying on my bed thinking what the heck was Mew traying to do maybe he was just teasing me.....ughhhh stupid Mew suppasit

Someone saddenly knock

"Who is it! " I yelled just making sure that this person outside my door is not Mew

"Is me P' " I heard Win voice

"Come..... in" I said

Then he open the door and then close it once he got in

" Is there anything wrong P' u look kinda weird" he said siting at the corner of my bed "this is not making me feel batter Win" I said annyed

"Okie okie there's totally somethings wrong now what is it P' " Gulf said looking kinda worry

"No need to worry Gulf I'm fine " I said smiling "okie if u say so P'.....anyways how's Plan" he saddenly ask

Bright pov

"What did be u do Mew" I said coming in his office

"I didn't do anything' he said calmly

" Don't lie to me Mew u did something Gulf come out of ur room and run to his u most have done something" I said

"I just when close to him that's it" he said not really caring about anything

"Mew we talk about this already were doing to protect them....don't get your feelings into this will u" I said angry

"I cants help it.... I miss him Bright don't u miss Win too" he said and looking at me

I do miss him I miss him very much seeing his face brags back pain but also makes me happy again

"I....do" I said looking down

"Then u know how I feel " he said


"I know " he said going back to what he was doing before I come here

"I'm gonna go now but...just control yourself if u don't they may....get in danger I said walking to the door "I whould't do anything that will hurt them " he said still doing his work


Okie ppl I have change my mind again I'll be posting every time I want to bc your support give me courage to wrote more thank you❤️

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