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Author pov

Everyone is till here panicking walking back and forth worrying
Praying for them to live

Then the doctor come all of them when tright to the doctor

"Doc how are they " Mew ask worriedly

The doctor sigh which fear everyone

"I'm sorry " the doc said shaking her head

" We trayed our best "the doc said and when back inside the room

Mew and Bright fall down at the floor crying Plan crying on Means chest

Mew pov

Life been hard since that day I wish I can see his beautiful smile again......but I can't

Me and Bright quite being mafia's well that don't been we don't get in to trouble tho

And we when back to continue our school I'm at the University right now

Everything is pretty good Plan and Mean got together

Me and Bright are still single hehe

Don't know why that sounds funny


I know this is really short bit no worry I'm gonna update later

I have a idea hehehe 😉

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