Chapter 3

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Anything in italics is said in Italian

Harry had no clue what Nico was thinking when he dragged a bashful looking Draco to their compartment. "Now everybody, Draco has some things he'd like to say."

Draco stepped forward, scuffing his shoes against the floor. "I'm really sorry for how I treated you. I'm not... I'm not actually from here. Lucius and Narcissa aren't my real parents. We're related but not closely and they took me in so I could go to school here, and Lucius told me this is how a Malfoy should behave. And I..I didn't know any better. I should have. I was confused and in a place I didn't know or understand, but that's not an excuse. I shouldn't have let it carry on for so long. I'm really sorry."

"What in the?" Ron whipped his head between Draco and Nico. "Did you put him up to this?"

Nico shrugged and made a so so motion with his hand. "Kind of. If he really didn't want to, he wouldn't have, but I told him to stop being a dick."

Ron seemed to have entirely stopped functioning, looking at Draco, then Nico and Will, who were leaning against each other and snickering, then back to Harry and Hermione. "I'm sorry, what the hell?"

Will cleared his throat. "Draco apologised for being a dick. Now you can either accept his apology, and gain an ally with possible insight into the bad guys, or you can not accept his apology, not gain an ally, but we'll make sure that Draco's friends don't enact any kind of revenge."

Nico's face heavily implied that they should accept Draco's apology. It was, as usual, Hermione who spoke up. "How about, we accept your apology, and we can work towards friends?"

Draco looked relieved. Harry didn't think he'd ever seen Draco show that much emotion in his life. "Would you. Um. Would you mind if I sat with you all?"

Nico glared at Harry, as if daring him to say no, then turned to Draco. "It's fine little dragon. Go get your things." Draco nodded and walked off quickly.

Ron pulled a face. "Little dragon? Is that some weird nickname? Is he like your third boyfriend or something?"

Will looked positively sick at that. "Draco? Jesus no. He's like..Nico's uh..Nico's dad is like a father figure for Draco. Draco means dragon, and Nico's dad considers him the youngest of his kids, so we all just call him little dragon." He shrugged. "I don't know who came up with it."

The two curled back up in the corner they'd began the journey in, and Nico pulled his kitten out just as Draco returned with his trunk. "Nico did you get an cat? An animal that doesn't actively hate you with every fibre of its being?"

Nico glared at him. "Shush you. I'm gonna train him to be a ninja. I'll teach him to use shurikens and knives, and then you'll be sorry."

"I wish I didn't believe that you could and would train a ninja kitten. I really wish that wasn't something that was part of my life." Draco sighed and sat next to Will and Nico, then turned to the trio. "There's going to be some interference from the ministry this year. They're sending Dolores Umbridge to teach defence against the dark arts, but it's mainly so that she can keep an eye on Dumbledore. My living situation isn't changing until the summer, so I might not be able to appear to have changed, in case she reports to Lucius." He chewed his lip. "I'm sorry."

Nico and Will looked up from where they'd been cooing over the kitten. "Nah, I'm gonna get it sorted as soon as we get to Hogwarts." Nico said, which made absolutely no sense. "The official stuff won't happen til July, but by tomorrow morning you don't need to go back there."

Harry caught Hermione's eye and pulled a face. What in Merlin's name did that mean? She shook her head subtly then looked at the others. "I think it's time we all got changed into our robes, we're nearly there."


Okay so maybe Nico hadn't consulted his dad about the whole adopting a thirteen year old demigod son of Zeus, but Hades kept an eye on him and Will, he must've known they were planning something similar. After he'd gotten changed into his robes, he scrawled out a quick letter in Greek explaining the situation, and asking Hades to get a lawyer on the case, before he shoved it into the shadows for some poor sod in Hades' mail department to find, just as Ron came back into the compartment.

"Are you sure about Draco?" He asked quietly. "I know you like the version you see, but I don't want Harry or Hermione getting hurt because they're excited about a new friend."

Nico smiled gently at him. "Draco is like a son-" Will coughed pointedly. "-to my dad, and my dad is one of the best judges of character I know. If Draco really had this dark side he's been pressured into showing, my dad would've figured it out."

Ron nodded slowly. "I'll trust you on this, but he better not hurt my friends."

The rest of the group came back quickly after that, just as the train came to a stop. They were led to a queue of carriages with thestrals pulling them. A couple started to turn towards him, so he subtly shook his head, then nudged Draco. "Fuck, I can sense the ghosts from here. Do you think you can get a message to them that they can't react to me?"'

Draco nodded slowly. "Yeah if you've got paper?" Nico nodded and held out a sheet. Draco scribbled a note on it, then tapped the centre with his wand, mumbling under his breath. The paper folded itself into an origami swan, then flew off.

Hermione watched closely. "What language was that in? It sounded romantic? Spanish maybe?"

Nico looked up, flushing a bit pink. "Italian. It's my mother tongue."

Hermione gasped. "Really? I suppose you do have a bit of an accent. How did you end up in America? What was Italy like?"

"My father moved us there when I was little. I don't remember much of it. He raised me and my sister to speak the language." He ducked his head and tucked himself more into Will's side, who immediately wrapped an arm around him and kissed his hair, sending a glare at Hermione that was clearly intended to stop her talking anymore.

Thankfully, she took the hint and stopped talking.

Then, the castle came into view, and Will lost his shit a little.

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