Chapter 15

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If Will hadn't been so concerned with making sure that Umbridge's gang of teenagers wasn't hurting his friends, he probably would've been laughing at how Harry so clearly didn't notice the way he'd moved protectively in front of Draco. Even Will and Nico didn't do that kind of shit anymore. Sure Nico used to try and get in the way of Will and danger, but once he'd seen Will take out an entire army after Apollo had briefly explained his Plague sphere of power in Will's head, Nico now liked to sit back and watch Will work. To be fair, the Plague powers were pretty damn cool, even if a few campers who hadn't been around for the Battle of Manhattan tried to give him shit for it.

Umbridge had started ranting, seemingly genuinely unstable. After she'd driven herself purple with rage, which was fairly impressive, the way she egged herself on so thoroughly, she'd called in Snape, who arrived looking already pissed off. "Veritaserum, Professor?" She asked in what Will was sure was supposed to be a sweet tone.

He sniffed disdainfully. "There isn't any left. You've used my entire stock of it."

"We'll surely you can just brew up some more?" The purple intensified.


"High Inquisitor!"

Snape sighed painfully. "Of course. My mistake. High Inquisitor, Veritaserum requires an entire lunar cycle to make. Unless you plan to keep these children here for that period of time, I cannot be of any help."

"Padfoot!" Harry yelled out of nowhere, like it was a sensible thing to say. "They've got padfoot in the place where it's hidden!"

Snape sneered at him. "Thank you, for that utter gibberish, Potter."

Umbridge whipped around to glare at him from where she'd been staring at Harry like she could look him into submission. "What does he mean?" She yelled hysterically. "What is padfoot? Where is what hidden?"

Snake glanced at her derisively before turning his gaze back to Harry. "No idea." He sniffed then turned and left, cloak flaring dramatically before he slammed the door shut.

"Well," Umbridge began, shakily, but not like she was scared, more like she'd completely and utterly lost the plot. "There are other ways to get information from you, Mr Potter. A cruciatus curse, I think, will do nicely."

Hermione blanched, and Draco subtly drew his wand. "But that's illegal!" Hermione yelled.

Umbridge chuckled. Will couldn't help but liken it to Octavian's mad laugh. "What Cornelius doesn't know," she simpered. "Won't hurt him." She put the picture of the man in question face down on her desk, and drew her wand.

"It's in the forest!" Ginny blurted, and Umbridge lowered her wand. "What was that, Miss Weasley?"

"I didn't want to say anything, Hagrid swore Luna to secrecy and she only told me because we were looking for the thestrals, and I don't want to betray her trust, but it's in the Forest!"

Ron and Hermione made eye contact, like they knew what she was talking about. "Ginny..don't you think..Hagrid wouldn't want you to tell her.."

Ginny shook her head firmly. "Dumbledore's secret weapon is in the forest. Hagrid showed Luna, and maybe Ron and Hermione, but he didn't want to stress anyone else about it."

Umbridge's lit up with a gleam that could only be described as completely maniacal. "Take me to it, or I will return to my original plan."

Ginny nodded and turned to Luna. "You have to let her come with me though. Only Luna knows where it is."

The girl holding Luna released her, and the pair led Umbridge out of the office. Immediately the room went dark, and there were a series of thumps. By the time the darkness cleared, the Inquisitorial Squad were all in heaps on the floor, Nico looking immensely proud of the lot of them.

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