Chapter 4

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The castle was just as beautiful as every other time Harry had seen it. Nico and Will looked absolutely astonished though, which was pretty funny, Will babbling about how beautiful everything was and about how their friend Annabeth? Would like it. As they pulled up to the castle, a thought occurred. "Hey, do you guys know what houses you'll be in?"

Will cocked his head. He looked a bit like a confused puppy, really. "Houses?"

Draco nodded. "There's Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Nico will probably be in Gryffindor or Slytherin, and you'll probably be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. It controls where you sleep, when your classes are, that kind of thing."

"We've got our own dorm, actually." Will replied. "Because of our..conditions." That didn't make any bloody sense to Harry, but Draco seemed to grasp what was going on. "Oh of course." He nodded. "If you guys need any tonics or anything let me know, I'll get you some."

"Thanks kiddo." Nico ruffled Draco's hair, which was about the funniest thing Harry had ever seen. The tousled look did suit him though, not that Harry would ever admit that to anyone ever.


The first year sorting went pretty tamely, as far as Harry's experience went. There was a woman from Harry's ministers hearing sat on the teacher's table, which Hermione thought might be to do with Draco's warning earlier, but so far nothing had happened.


"Di Angelo, Nico"

Nico made his way up to the stage, whispering surrounding him, and Harry even noticed a couple girls fanning themselves. The hat was placed on his head, as always. And then, like something out of a cheap joke shop or a horror film, the hat let out a single scream and then went limp. Nico poked it a few times. "Uh. Is it supposed to do this?" He looked at Dumbledore. "I think it's fainted."

Harry glanced at Will, who looked like he was trying his hardest not the burst out laughing, and then across at Draco, who seemed to be in a similar state. Dumbledore called Nico to the front, and after a minute of conversation that Harry couldn't hear,  Nico sauntered down to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Harry, then turned to watch Will.

"Mr Solace, the sorting hat will need some time to recover I believe, so if you would come up here, I will sort you as I did Mr Di Angelo." Dumbledore announced, and they all watched as Will walked up to where he was sitting. Similarly to Nico, after a few seconds, he made his way down to Gryffindor table, just as the pink monstrosity stood up.



Will was always the calm one. When Nico wanted to go gallivanting around the world to give every ghost a piece of his mind about how much paperwork they were causing him and his father, it had been Will who told him that he'd get bored after the fourth ghost cowered in fear and promised to get registered. When Nico had decided he was going to try and attend every pride parade in the US because some stupid legacy of Mars had made a homophobic comment, it had been Will who'd reminded him that he'd have to wear bright colours the whole time and would probably get hit on by a lot of people.

Sure there had been times, like when a daughter of Ares had started flirting with Nico after watching him train with Percy, where Will had lost his shit a bit, and done things even Nico would've thought twice about, but still. Will was the calm one. The collected one.

But by the Gods would he enjoy throwing a plate at the toad talking to them. For starters, she was wearing all pink and it was probably hurting poor Nico's eyes, which was entirely unacceptable. Secondly, her voice just made him to want to throw up. Thirdly, she was talking about prohibiting practices and pruning traditions and to Will's ears, that just made her sound like a meddling bitch, and there was something about fighting in two wars that really made someone really lose their patience with meddling bitches.

By the time she finished her speech, even Hermione, who so far had seemed like the intelligent one of the trio, was starting to look a little glazed over, although she quickly grabbed the boys attention.

"You know what this means, don't you?" They all stared at her blankly. "The Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts."


McGonagall found them outside the Great Hall. "Mr Solace, Mr Di Angelo, with me please." She waited a moment for them to make their way over, then started walking. "Professor Dumbledore has informed myself and professor Snape of your true heritage. Make no mistake, Professor Snape will not act favourably just because you cannot read or write in English, and you will be expected to work just as hard as our other students, but we will do our best to assist with anything you need for your quest. Your dormitory and wands are behind the painting. Professor Dumbledore says the password is your mentor's name. I hope that means something to you." She nodded firmly at them, then walked off.

Nico made a face at Will, then turned to the painting. "Chiron." He murmured. The painting swung open, revealing a cozy living room with a roaring fireplace. He walked in, looking around. "Do you remember how to remove the Mist like Hecate placed on us?" He looked at Will. "Because I'm sorry, Tesoro, but we're not doing anything whilst we look fifteen, and I wasn't listening."

Will laughed and nodded. "She said it's linked to the rings, well, tattoos currently I guess." He pressed down on the kitten tucked in the crook of his elbow, growing a few inches and growing visibly older as the tattoo changed back to a ring. Nico nodded and did the same, before looping his arms around Will's neck loosely. "Aren't you gonna take me to bed, sunshine?"

Will grinned and backed him against the wall. "Course I will, darling."


Nico lifted his head from where it was learnt against Will's chest. "Will, do you reckon we could convince Dumbledore to let Draco come here as and when he pleases? Can't imagine being in the same building as him and only being able to see him in classes and shit."

Will shrugged and kissed his hair. "We can ask him tomorrow morning. I can't think of any reason he'd say no. Now go to sleep. We should get up early and have a practice with our new wands. Can't exactly go to our first class and not be able to do anything."

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