Chapter 9

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The five spent the next week planning the first meeting.


Hermione and Will spent the next week planning the first meeting. Harry, Nico, Ron, and Draco spent the next week occasionally tossing in ideas but mostly bitching about Umbridge and doing random things, like the night before the meeting, when Nico shadow travelled to Hogsmeade as his twenty year old self, and returned with a bottle of fire whiskey, that he'd bought legally, as he assured Hermione upon his return.

By the end of the evening they were all pleasantly buzzed, all sprawled on the bed which Hermione had expanded, Nico between Will's legs and Hermione tucked under Ron's arms. Even Harry and Draco had stopped blushing awkwardly and had just learnt against each other. Nightmare was sat on Nico's chest, purring far louder than such a small cat had any right to.

"Right." Nico stated, accent much thicker now that he'd been drinking a little. "The plan for the meeting; Harry will start. He'll teach spells, they pair off. All good fun. Then, Draco. I will pretend to summon the skeletons with my wand, and he will teach them curses or counter curses, whatever he feels up to. Then I will beat everyone up and teach them to do the same. Then Will will show them how to not die."

They all cheered in agreement, and Ron poured everyone a final double of firewhiskey. "Down with Umbridge!" He toasted, and they all laughed and clinked glasses, before downing them as one.

"Right now to bed with y'all." Will made a lazy shooing motion. "We got lessons to teach tomorrow and I won't have y'all yawnin and tryna sleep through the whole thing. I'll cure any hangovers I need to in the morning."

Draco giggled and nodded. "Night mum." He joked, Harry, Ron and Hermione chorusing it as well.

Nico cackled. "'Goodnight my ducklings."'

"Night dad." They replied, laughing as they stumbled out through the passageways to their dorms.

"Baby," Will started slowly, once they'd gone.

"Sì, mio amore?" Nico blinked lazily at him.

"I think we mighta just gained three more kids."

"Eh. I like them." He shrugged. "They have magic. We get Hecate to extra bless them when we're done, we can take them to New Rome once we're done."

Will chuckled and kissed his forehead. "We'll talk 'bout it later, m'kay darlin? We don't know if your old man would be okay with you adding three more to your little group to take to the underworld."

Nico frowned. "Harry would be an excellent god of unwilling heros, Ron would a fantastic god of platonic jealously and overlooked children, and Hermione would make an awesome goddess of overcoming obstacles. No?"

"You've already been plannin' haven't you?" He smiled and turned the lights off. "We'll have a chat with your dad okay?"

"Okay. Night, mio caro."

"Night, gorgeous."


The next morning, once Will had made sure nobody felt any worse for wear, Ron enchanted the coins they'd handed out to those on the list. They'd had to do a lot of coordinating around other people, but nobody had quidditch practice that evening, and there were no clubs that people weren't willing to miss.

They made their way to Potions, but were stopped by Draco running up to them, cheeks flushed and eyes bright with anger. "They've made Umbridge High Inquisitor. She's disbanded all clubs and meetings. We have to get permission to play bloody quidditch." 

Nico held a hand up. "Woah woah. Slow down. What's a high inquisitor? Who made Umbridge one? How has she banned clubs?"

Draco sighed. "The minister of magic? Cornelius Fudge? He's made her High Inquisitor. She's putting out Educational Decrees, and the first one is that every club and meeting is disbanded until they've got permission from her to reform. The Slytherin team has only just got permission, and I think Angelina Johnson is in her office right now arguing about Gryffindor."

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