Chapter 7

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The trio made their way to the Gryffindor common rooms slowly, glancing at each other occasionally as if to confirm that everything they'd just heard was real.

"It makes sense when you think about it." Hermione said abruptly. "Gods and goddesses. And the whole part with Draco too I suppose."

"Hermione." Ron started. "In what way do gods and goddesses make sense?"

She rolled her eyes. "Honestly Ronald. Have you never questioned where magic comes from? Why a select group of people can wave wooden sticks and have absolutely incredible things happen?"

He flushed sheepishly and motioned for her to carry on. "I'll have to go to the library to do some research, but deities as old as time that can interact with but not interfere with modern affairs, which is what I've gathered from the fact that they have children but Hecate has had to send Nico and Will, well I just think it explains a lot of things that haven't previously been understood."

"Bloody hell 'mione." Ron muttered. "I don't know how you do it."

She flashed a small, pleased smile at him. "So what do you two think?"

Harry shrugged. "If they can help end prevent a war, I'm all for it. Plus it's nice to see Draco so..happy?" He blushed profusely when they both stared at him.

"Harry your life for the past four years has consisted of you and Malfoy at each other's throats. Now one apology and meeting his dads had gotten you calling him Draco and saying it's nice when he's happy?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

Harry glared at him. "Well he's never seemed very happy before, has he? Now his hair isn't slicked and he's smiling more. I'm allowed to think it's nice aren't I?"

Hermione laughed. "Merlin's beard you have no idea do you?" Harry stared at her blankly. "Harry, you and Draco have been obsessed with each other for four years. Now suddenly, you meet two gay men, one blond and one with dark hair and a darker sense of humour, who happen to encourage Draco to relax and apologise, and that makes you realise that you like seeing Draco with his hair messy and happy?"

"'Mione I don't know what you think any of that stuff about Nico and Will has to do with this. Draco's just.. sweet now."

Ron snorted. "Hermione you don't think.." He made eye contact with her, then glanced back at Harry, then started cackling when she nodded.

"Mate, do you need to tell us anything? About how you're deeply in love with Malfoy?"

Harry recoiled. "What are you on about Ron? I think I'd know if I was in love with Malfoy. I'm not as oblivious as you two morons."

They reached the tower, Ron and Hermione awkwardly looking at each other and then away. Harry sighed. "I'm going to bed to try and digest some of this. You two should talk about the fact that you apparently didn't know you liked each other." He nodded firmly at both of them then went upstairs.

Ron looked at Hermione carefully. "Do you..?"

Hermione blushed and nodded. "What about you?"

He nodded in return. "Wanna.." he motioned to the sofa by the fire. "I'd like that very much Ronald." She led him over and sat down, leaning against him. "Harry definitely fancies Malfoy doesn't he?"

Ron laughed and wrapped an arm around her. "Even I can tell he fancies him. Malfoy definitely likes him back too."

She nodded and yawned, fisting a hand in his shirt sleepily. "We'll talk to Nico and Will about it tomorrow. They ought to be able to help." Ron pressed a kiss against her hair hesitantly. "You should go to sleep." He said quietly. "You'll want to do loads of research tomorrow."

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