Chapter 12

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The first thing they did when they got inside the house was age back up. The second thing they did was find the biggest bed in the place and climb in. Not to do anything, just lie there, skin to skin, and hold each other for a while.

They laid there for almost two hours, Will idly tracing the tattoo spanning Nico's back. The original plan had been a pair of wings, for Di Angelo, but he'd decided he wanted not only to honour his mother, but the long list of incredible women in his life. So instead of just wings, it was a furious avenging angel. Will knew the design had come from Hazel, and the wings were based of Thanatos'. Most of the piece had been done by the mortal artist that had done most of the ink on Nico's body, but this piece in particular had an ethereal blue glow from an ink Nico had had added by someone on Elysium, and Will was almost certain the ink had been a gift from Hades.

Eventually, Will's stomach growled, they both glanced at each other then burst out laughing, before Nico grabbed the leaflet of things to do. "What kinda food do you fancy, il mio amore?"

Will smiled and leaned against him. "Something local?" He started flipped through the leaflet before finding a traditional restaurant that was close to them.

Nico called to make a reservation, easily switching to French. He'd had Piper help him learn it after a ten year old boy had been brought to camp, who'd only recently moved to America from France and knew little English.

They showered and changed quickly, and Will glared at Nico until he procured a pair of winter coats from a cupboard somewhere.

"It's not even that cold." Nico protested.

"Darlin', it's literally snowing. And we both know that you'll be the one to have a fit if you get all cold and shivery and you'll whine until I give you my coat, and then you'll complain that I'm cold when we go to bed."

"Ugh, fine." He put the coat on reluctantly, then shadowtravelled them to the restaurant.

The restaurant was beautiful, decked in Christmas lights, but in a tasteful manner, dusted in snow with a warm light radiating out.

They made their way inside, and were guided to a table by the window looking out at the river by a server.

The food was amazing, and they drank more than was probably appropriate in public. The pair made their way back to the house, staggering slightly, occasionally pausing to press each other up against buildings and lampposts and even a stop sign to kiss and laugh, and it took them almost an hour to walk the short distance.

They arrived back at the house in one piece, incredibly, and in a moment of drunk bravery, Will lifted Nico up and carried him inside, certain that the only reason he wasn't suddenly sprouting knives in places he didn't want knives to be was that Nico had drunk more than him because the waitress was impressed by his French.

Will made it up the stairs before his coordination failed him, and they ended up in a pile on the floor, laughing loudly. After a moment, Nico quietened down and just looked at Will for a minute.

"I love you so much." He murmured after a moment. "I love you so fucking much."

Will grinned and kissed everywhere he could reach. "I love you too darling. Gods do I love you."


The next couple days passed in a blur of snow fights and cuddles and IMing Draco whenever he got a spare minute to update them on Mr Weasley's condition and how Harry was faring.

On their last day there, Hades and Persephone came over in the afternoon. Nico had spent the whole morning cooking some fancy Italian meal that Will couldn't name for the life of him, but that looked absolutely incredible.

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