Chapter 13

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The five days without Nico and Will were hard. Harry hadn't even realised how much he'd started to depend on them until he turned to ask Nico something and he wasn't there, or he woke up sobbing from a nightmare about his parents and Will didn't come rushing in to hold him and tell him it was alright.

Things with Draco were strange too. Harry sort of thought there might be something there, he'd had an inkling that his preferences were more broad than only girls, Cedric had definitely been an awakening, but it was weird. Draco was different to most people Harry knew. He didn't care about his fame, although he'd certainly managed to act like it for a few years, and although he was generally quite soft spoken and shy, he could be as sarcastic as his dads at times, witty and scathing and hilarious. And the way he /looked/ at Harry, up through long white lashes, eyes wide and grey, cheeks pink...

In short, it was fucking with Harry's head, and he didn't want the condescending looks from Ron and Hermione who now considered themselves to be relationship gurus despite the four years it had taken them to figure themselves out, and Harry just.. he missed having someone to talk to who was old enough to know his mistakes weren't really that big a deal, but young enough to know that they mattered to him, and experienced enough to deal with everything as though it was of utmost importance but wouldn't change a thing.

So sue him if when Nico and Will appeared back in Harry and Draco's room, Harry waited only long enough for Draco to throw himself at them before doing exactly the same. The pair happily shifted to accommodate him as well, and soon Ron and Hermione came in and the six of them ended shoving Harry and Draco's beds together and curling up on top of them.

Mrs Weasley found them like that the next morning just in time to get them up and run them to the train station.


They arrived back at Hogwarts only to find another slew of Educational Decrees. The High Inquisitor could now inspect teachers and fire any she deemed unfit. It was a small miracle that she couldn't do the rehiring, although Harry expected that wouldn't take long to fall into place.

Their first lesson of the term was potions, and when Harry saw Umbridge waiting outside the classroom, his initial reaction was horror, but after a moment of thinking, he lit up. "Guys." He murmured. "Snape's gonna get inspected by Umbridge."

Ron laughed loudly. "That's gonna be bloody brilliant."

Even Hermione looked pleased in a grim sort of way. "Usually I'd prefer not to have that sort of interruption, but Umbridge has kind of earned getting slated for an hour, hasn't he?"

Snake ushered them all in, and Harry could already tell he was fuming at the presence of Umbridge.

"Today you will be brewing the Wit Sharpening potion. You will all recall that we studied the theory for this potion in the last week of term?"

Clearly the class preferred Snape over Umbridge, because they all nodded enthusiastically and got their textbooks and cauldrons out.

It was the best potions lesson Harry had ever been in. Nico was acting, as always, like an Italian matriarch, bossing anyone who was unsure around, which Umbridge seemed to think was inappropriate.

"Mr Di Angelo. I have a few questions?" She hovered by his desk.

"You'll have to bear with me a moment Professor." He replied absently as he showed Neville exactly how much moonstone time add.

"Mr Di Angelo." He ignored her until he was finished, then turned to her.

"Yes Professor?" He flashed her a bright, definitely fake, smile.

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