The other new boy

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Y/ns POV

My dad came home late like 2 am late with some girl and her kid

" Y/n come down here and come met your new step mom and step brother" my dad yelled

My name is Y/n (this is ur name ) let me tell u about my life well im an only child my mother died giving birth to me so its always just been me and my dad then in 9th grade I was walking in the parking lot and these two guys kept being mean to me and touching me and then this one kid came up and told them to stop and they didn't so he beat the shit out of both of them and said that's not how you treat a lady and he asked if I was ok and I said yes and ever since that day I was always mad at myself for not getting his name also after that my dad decided that we should move to L.A so we did a week after school started that's when I met Josh and Sarah they both showed me around after that around the start of sophomore year Josh had asked me out and I said yes so lets talk about my dad the girl he brought in he has been dating for about a year now and me and her son are pretty close we both think we would make good stepsiblings my dad seems really into her so as long as hes happy im happy so lets go back to my dad calling me

"wait! what finally Mattia you owe me 20 dollars you said-"I was saying till Mattia interrupted

"ya yea here"and he handed me 20 dollars then I realized he was going to go to school with me and Josh and Sarah and Jaden and Joslyn yay

" Mija will you take Mattia on a tour of the school today and him hang out with you and your fiends" my father said

" yay im sure all my friends would love to met you Tia" I said looking at Mattia he seemed happy so we all went back to sleep


in the morning I woke up and got dressed and went to wake up Mattia he was already so I didn't mind so we both went down stairs and saw my dad waiting for us so we all get in my dads car drive off to school I saw Jaden but not Josh or Sarah so I thought Jaden walked so I passed him and told him hi and he said it back Mattia asked who it was and I told him one of my friends he said ok and left it


skip to lunch

me Tia and Joslyn make our way to our table Joslyn sits on Jaden's lap witch he did not expect actually none of us expected but he seemed to enjoy it cause half way through lunch out of no where they left and probably went to go make out when they came back about the end of lunch Jaden had his hair all messy and had lipstick all over his mouth and same for Joslyn but she had like 3 hickey's and she was buttoning her shirt damn do u think they did it at school nah Joslyn would do it in her bed room anyways they sat back down and Jaden asked Joslyn to be his girlfriend she said yes damn hes already the new kid and has a girlfriend wow I wish I was no no what im I saying I have a boyfriend and its Josh. Mattia seemed to hit it off with everyone so after school I was looking for Josh and I heard moaning coming from the bathroom and then it stopped two people I never thought I would see doing this to me Josh and Joslyn I felt tear drops on my face and ran, ran for my life then I bump into Jaden and he saw all the tears coming down my face

"Hey hey calm down whats wrong" Jaden said with concern in his eyes he held me in a tight ass hug he was so warm I just calmed down in his arms the tears went away I felt safe he sat me down at a table near us " Y/n tell me whats wrong I will beat up anyone that hurt you I don't wanna see you crying" he said in a goofy but also serious tone I laughed a little he saw I was smiling and he smiled back "can you tell me whats wrong now" he asked one more time

" fine just cause you made me smile" I said " so I was looking for Josh when I heard moaning in the bathroom and then it stopped and Josh and Joslyn walked out and i felt tears coming down my face and that when I ran and bumped into you" I told Jaden and he just hugged me then we heard josh call out to me and Jaden let go and his eyes shoe that he was mad as hell he walked up to Josh and Joslyn and started yelling at them


Josh was pissed that Jaden yelled at him and pushed him and they started fighting that when I realized Jaden was the guy that beat up those guys freshman year then that's when I realized Jaden stopped and walked over to me and said lets go so we walked to what im guessing was his car and we got in and we passed my house and his so I didn't know where we were going but I dint care I felt safe with Jaden

Oh my god this is my longest chapter ever 1002 words

she fells safe with Jaden

where are they going thanks for all the love

well lets see what happens in the next chapter

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now