meeting the boys

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Jadens POV

I woke up with Y/n in my arms her head in my chest she looked so cute I got up and tried not to wake her and went to my car I know leaving her alone but I was going to get clothes for us so yeah I went to my house first Josh was there waiting

"Where were you" He said all mad and Joslyn came from his room in his shirt

"Why do you care you seemed occupied with her" I said pointing at joslyn and walking up to my room to get clothes for two days then I put it in a backpack I had in the closet and I headed down stairs I told them I'll me back tomorrow night. Then I went to Y/ns house I knocked on the door and her dad opened it and asked who I was I said I was a friend if Y/ns he then asked if I had seen here and I said yes and that she need time alone and that she asked me to go get her some clothes and that she would be back tomorrow night he said ok and showed me her room I went to her closet and picked out some cute outfits for our days together and left.

Y/ns POV
I woke up to an empty bed Jaden was nowhere to be seen in the bedroom wow that dick really left me here after we had s*x jerk the the door opens and reviles a cutie named Jaden

"Where did you go" I asked
"I went to go get us clothes by the way you will be going home tomorrow night I told your dad you needed sometime alone" He said
"Thxs" I said

"Where did you go" I asked "I went to go get us clothes by the way you will be going home tomorrow night I told your dad you needed sometime alone" He said "Thxs" I said

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This is what I wear

And this is what Jaden wears

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And this is what Jaden wears

Jadens POV

We went to the lobby when I saw Josh I swear if he follwed me here oh shit are those cops with him

"Look there he is" Josh said pointing to me

"Jaden Holsser"
"You are under arrest for kidnapping"
"What but he didn't kidnap me I came here willingly" I heard Y/n tell one of the cops
"Did he tell you to say that" The cop said
" No he didn't I came here willingly and you can't take him away who said I was kidnapped anyway"
"He did" The cop said pointing to Josh
"Let him go he didn't kidnap me"
"Let him go" The cop said with a sigh
The took the cuffs off of me and I walked over to Y/n and told her let's go and we left

The car ride was slight
"So where are we going anyway" Y/n said breaking the silence

"My house" I said

"But don't you live with Josh"

"Not no more I have these friends that are moving in we are going to check out the house and where I'll be living"


We get to the house I see Bryce, Quinton, Anthony, Griffin, Kio,and Taylor ( I know he's not in the sway house but just act like he is)
Y/n had fallen asleep on our way there so I woke her up and she looked so cute waking up slowly we got out of the car we made our way to the boys
"Hey guys" I said putting my arm around Y/ns shoulders

"Hey Jaden and pretty lady" Bryce said
"Who is she Jaden"

"Guys this is Y/n, Y/n this is Bryce, Quinton, Griffin, Kio, and Anthony" I said pointing to everyone

"Nice to meet you all" Y/n said

"Well it's nice to meet you too and to know who stole my boyfriend" Bryce said

"Boyfriend" Y/n said and looked at me in shook " You bi"

"No for crying out loud we just say that cus it's a guy thing to call our friends our boyfriends I'm 100% straight"

"Oh" She said

"Wanna tour of the house" Bryce said

"Yeah we would love one"

Bryce showed us around and it big and I'm sharing a room with Kio so that's not bad me and Y/n went back to the hotel she wanted to take a shower so that's what she's doing and I'm laying on the bed well let's see what me and her do

Wow she met the sway boys
So I'm gonna change the characters up a bit Josh is no longer Jadens cousin and he will be living in sway

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now