i fucked up😔

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Y/n pov

I was hanging out with mattia and the boys they were really nice jaden has texted me a few times to see if I was ok I replied with yes. Mattia asked if he could record a song and I wish yes so I dragged him to the studio and pushed him in the booth and told him to start whenever he was ready and he sang this beautiful song

Mattia said the song was for me cause ever since he's my best friend and my step brother I love him so I wanted to write him song so I did I have this friend Veronica Lounge she's a good singer and raper so u called her to help me with the song so I couple minutes later Veronica comes through the door and we both went into the booth and sang this song

I told mattia that the song was for us and he got up and hugged me tight man I love him then we went down stairs and made cookies and then I needed the bathroom so I went and when I was done I saw ale laying on my bed

Ale: hey so um I just wanna say your really pretty and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me"

Me: umm wow umm no sorry but I kinda already have feelings for someone else I'm really sorry tho'

Ale: oh yea it's fine but I just have to do one thing before I leave"

And with that he kissed me I kissed back and that led to us making out


He pushed me on the bed and got on top of me and started kissing me again he took of mine and he's shirt he took off my bra and kissed down my body till he got to my shorts and he pulled them down as well as my underwear and he ate me out then he took off he's pants and pushed he's length in me and I moaned loudly and

Smut over

Then the door opened and reviled jaden fuck I fucked up jaden saw ale on top of my naked body and tears formed in his eyes

Me: jaden"

Jaden: I apologize and you do this what the fuck Y/n I came here to give you flowers and chocolate cause mattia said that you had something planned for me and I walk in and see this" As he said this I pushed ale off of me and mattia walked in to a naked ale and me getting dressed and a crying Jaden I walk up to Jaden and took him out of the room to talk to him

Me: Jaden I'm so sorry it just kinda happened he asked me out I said no then he kissed me then that happened I swear I would never do it to on purpose I wanna know if you still wanna see what I got you"

Jaden: sure whatever"

Me: come on"

We walked into my studio and I told him to sit and I went into the booth and sang him a song

I told him that what happened between me and ale was a mistake and that I take it bake and told Jaden that he was my first and he hugged me and told me that he was sorry for what he did with mads and asked me on a date and I said.......

Keep going

Almost there

Sike that's next chapter I love all of you guys wow this chapter is wow

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now