The wedding

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Y/ns pov

Today is the day the day that everything changes the day I marry Noah I was happy but also sad I always imagined it was gonna be jaden and me having his kid but I guess not Noah but I guess I have to do this and live with Noah and my baby its been 2 weeks and I'm not showing but I'm scared what will happen for crying out loud Mattia and my dad are also apart of a mafia what if they ruin my wedding I hope they don't but I hope they do at the same time I put my dress on

Today is the day the day that everything changes the day I marry Noah I was happy but also sad I always imagined it was gonna be jaden and me having his kid but I guess not Noah but I guess I have to do this and live with Noah and my baby its been...

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I did my makeup and hair

I was so nervous I don't know why but this is my day the day that I will remember for ever

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I was so nervous I don't know why but this is my day the day that I will remember for ever

Jadens pov

So its been awhile let me fill you in I'm in a mafia now yeah I know but I'm doing it to get Y/n back she's all I care about she's getting married we don't know what time at though shit I'm so nervous I always imagined us getting married and having a kid I miss her Mattia said this was the only way to get her back but we have to be careful with her she's pregnant with Noah's kid. Lets go we all get in fancy outfits

 Lets go we all get in fancy outfits

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Y/ns pov

Ok so Noah's dad is walking ne down the aisle he got in here 5 minutes ago the wedding starts in 10 minutes I'm ready we finally heard the music as soon I we start walking I see him no not Noah it was Jaden but he was in the crowed then I saw my dad and my step mom and Mattia my best friend Noah's dad continued to walk me the we reached Noah

priest: may you all take a seat we are gathered here to marry these two( I don't know what to say so ima just skip to the I dos ok ok)

priest: Noah do you take Y/n Genoveva Polibio to be your lothly weeded wife

N: i do

priest: Y/n do you take Noah beck to be your lothly weeded husband

Y/n: I do

priest: you may now kiss the bride

and with that he kissed me I kissed back then we pulled away and we walked down the aisle and i looked at Mattia he had a smile on hes face but it was more of an evil smile I was scared to see what happened

after we took pictures we went to the venue

it looked so great i loved it my dad and Mattia,Alejandro,Kairi,Jaden and my dad sat a table in the middel and i kept my eyes on them

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it looked so great i loved it my dad and Mattia,Alejandro,Kairi,Jaden and my dad sat a table in the middel and i kept my eyes on them

N: what are they doing here

Y:i dont know they were there for the reseption

N: they better not ruin this

Y:i know ill go talk to them

i walked over to them

Y: what are you doing here

Tia: we cant come to your wedding we are familly Y/n we are not enimes we are family

Y:tia i swear to god if you ruin this for me any of you i will kill you myself

D: mija we wont do anything i just wanted to be here for my baby my princesa ok no drama

Noahs pov

D: noah are you sure you want to do this its her father she loves him hes all she has left

N:im sure dad he has to die and we have to make it seem like jaden did it so she can never go back to him

D:ok but what if she finds out you did it shes caring your kid and she will take him?her from you so do you really think this is a smart idea

N:yes im sure

Y/ns pov

i hugged my dad the the dj said we are doing the father daughter dance i grabbed my dads hand and lead him to the dance floor we danced to a mexican song

the song you guys danced to then when your dad pulled you close and told you this

D: mija i want to tell you that i will not make it out tonight Noah is planing on killing me and blaming it on jaden whatever happens i love you and mattia ok and his mom and your baby i love you mi princesa siempre amor nada destrozar a nuestra familia adios mija ( i love you my princess forever love nothing will tear this family apart )

and as soon as the song ended and i pulled away i haerd a loud bang and my dad fell to the ground mattia and hes mom ran to him i had blood on my dress my dads blood i fell on the floor holding him mattia called 911 but by the time they got there my dad was gone i cried thats all i could do mattia and his mom confered me Noah tried but i pushed him away i couldn't look at him in the eye he killed my father i wanted to go home not with Noah but with mattia and his mom we have to plan hes funeral i never will forget hes last words to me

" i love you mi princesa siempre amor nada destrozar a nuestra familia adios mija"

i love you dad siempre

after that i went up to noah and slapped him

Y: i will be sending you divorce papers tomarwo and dont even bring the baby in this cause you will never see it ever you killed my father fuck off i hate you and i will not rest till you are dead bitch

and with that the gang grabed my dads body and took it with us i was crying my eyes out i just cryed while my mom held me i just lost my father to my husband but i have mattia and my mom now my dad is with my real mom ti amo mi mamma y mi papa( i love my mom and my dad)

hey so heres this chapter its alot so yea hope you injoyed

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now