I had the best time 💜💜

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Jadens POV

I woke up to Y/n all snuggled in my chest and my arms wrapped around here
I decided that we can go to the mall so she can get some new clothes I got up and got in the shower when I got out Y/n was laying on the bed in my hoodie in

"Good morning beautiful" I said as she she got dressed and so did I we put all our stuff in the back of my car and we checked out of the hotel we went to the mall when I saw mads my ex me and Y/n went into different stores and she got shoes and clothes and then we went to get ice cream by the time we were with all of that I drove her home and walked her to her door step and told her I had a good time and she said the same thing then I said

"Hey Y/n I have had the best two day with you then I have ever had I was wondering if you would l-like t-to u-um" I took a deep breath " Go on a date with me" I said

" Yeah jaden I have had so much fun with you too" She said " Bye" She said kissing my cheek and going inside her house I then walked back to my car and drove off to the sway house

Sorry this is short but I had no ideas so yea hope u enjoyed this chapter

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now