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Y/n pov

After I told Jaden that it was him who saved me freshman year he's been kind of distant and I didn't know what to think when he's on his phone he always makes sure I don't see what he's doing it kinda hurts because I really love him so I just wanna hope for the best

Jadens POV

After y/n told me she was the one I saved freshman year I have super distant and u have been talking to mads again we have hooked up a couple times but she not y/n I have to tell her but how will she react shit love her shit here it goes

" Hey y/n can we talk" I said

" Yeah what is it are u horny cause I'm not really in the mood right now jaden" She said

" Umm no I'm not horny umm shit how do I say this" I took a deep breath " Shit here it goes I have been hooking up with my ex mads"

Y/ns POV

"Umm no I'm not horny umm shit how do I say this " Jaden then took a deep breath " Shit here it goes I have been hooking up with my ex mads" When those words came out of he's mouth I couldn't believe him

"Haha funny joke Jaden" I said

"Y/n it's not a joke I really did have sex with her thats why I have been so distant lately" Tears were streaming down my face how could he do this to me after what Josh did and he goes and does this after I told him what happened when I had never told anyone not even joslyn and he does this I hate him I really hate him what the actual fuck

" I hate you"

Jadens pov

" I hate you" Y/n said

"What" I said

" I hate you" She paused for a second look me in my eye her eyes had tears running down her face " How could u do this to me after everything that I have been through and you cheat with the girl that hurt you really Jaden I thought you were different but your not you just like every other guy fuck you" She said all this crying her eyes out and my eye began to water " Get out of my house" She said and with that I left I got in my car and drove off I went back to sway and cried how could I do this to her I'm so fucken stupid shit SHIT I'm a dick

So that happened ik she gets hurt but just wait theres gonna be drama with one of mattias friends and jaden live u guys I'll do a face reveal later

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now