Mafia boss 😈😈

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Y/ns pov

Once I woke up I was in a nice room and I heard the shower running I was wondering who was there I wasn't blindfolded or hand cuffed the door was wide open and some reason I didn't run I stayed on the room then the shower turned off and I hot guy walked out

??: oh finally your up

Y: yea who are you

??:I'm Noah and I think your very beautiful Y/n

Y: how do you know my name

N: well Y/n I have been watching you and your father and I know that you are seeing a Jaden Hossler and I want you and money from your father so that's why I kidnapped you

Y:for money and what do I have to do with it exactly

N:Good thing that you asked well first I'm going to marry you then I'm going to ask your father for money 1mill to be exact then I'm going to get you pregnant then you will have no choice but to stay with me

Y: 1 thing my dad doesn't have that much money and I don't know how he's going to come up with it

N: he does have that kind of money he's a mafia boss and your step brother he's the next person to be a mafia boss after your father so yea I'll be back I'm going to go buy you clothes and a phone bye now see you later love

We had a whole conversation while he put he's clothes on then after we were done he kissed my cheek after he left I looked around the house

We had a whole conversation while he put he's clothes on then after we were done he kissed my cheek after he left I looked around the house

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Outside of the house

Outside of the house

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// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now