Not that bad

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Y/ns pov

I woke up to arms around me I look over and see Noah I slow move he's arms get up go to the closet get an outfit then walk to the bathroom turn the water on in the bathtub strip and get in then Noah walks in smiles at me and gets in the shower I finished then I got out wrapped a towel around my body went to the bed room and put on my fit

I woke up to arms around me I look over and see Noah I slow move he's arms get up go to the closet get an outfit then walk to the bathroom turn the water on in the bathtub strip and get in then Noah walks in smiles at me and gets in the shower I f...

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I looked at my self in the mirror then Noah came out in a nice fit to

N: so where do you want to go to day mammas

Y: umm I was thinking I could go get my nails done and my hair and get my tongue and nose pierced and get some rings oh and some heels to match the dresses you got me

N: that seems fun after we are done with all that we can start training you okey mammas

Y: ok and training for what

N: so you can go on missions with me and the gang

Y: ok let's go now

I said pulling him down stairs he was laughing as I pulled him down then we got out side and u saw a purple Lamborghini

I said pulling him down stairs he was laughing as I pulled him down then we got out side and u saw a purple Lamborghini

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Y: holy shit that wow I love your car

N: you mean your car

Y: no way it's mine yay come on get in and give me the keys

He gave me the keys then we went to the mall to get my hair and nails done and to get me another dress and heels and rings

He gave me the keys then we went to the mall to get my hair and nails done and to get me another dress and heels and rings

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// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now