The truth comes out

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So I haven't told jaden that I think he was the guy that saved my life freshman year I'm kinda scared to but here it goes

"Hey jaden can we talk"I said as he was cleaning from the party last week

" Yeah what's up baby" He said

"Well um how do I put this" I took a deep breath "well when I was a freshman I was in the parking lot and these two guys were being dicks and they wouldn't stop touching me and stuff but then this guy came and told them to stop and they didn't so he dropped his bag and beat the shit out of them he asked if I was ok and I said I was fine then he walled off and I never learned his name and I regret it everyday but then that day you and josh got in an argument I saw the way u fought him it was just like that kid my freshman year it was u jaden u saved me who knows what those guys would have done thank u jaden" I said jaden was speechless he then just hugged me because I was crying so much we hugged for a long time

" I thought I would never have met you again I was scared that I would never have a chance to talk to you again I'm glad u saved you" Jaden finally said we were still hugging and I cried more and just wanted to stay in jadens arms he never forget about me and I never forget about him

Hey guys I'm back and thank you all for the love and support so this is the part where they figure out that had already met and yeah so enjoy sorry this is so short I will be trying to write as much as I can so yeah love u guys

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now