Rescue: Part 1

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"But dad!!!" I whined, desperate.

"No, Katelyn. No... I don't have a good feeling about it. No."

"Dad, please, Peter is going!"

My father turned around from the sink, leaned on the counter, and crossed his arms with a sigh. "No, Katelyn. That's final. And I will be watching you to make sure you stay in New York City."

I let out a disappointed breath, looking down. "Okay..."

My father sighed again, then walked over and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry, Kate. I just have the worst feeling and I won't let something awful happen to you."

"I understand, dad..." I whispered before moving into his arms for a hug. Disappointment was washing over me. I quickly moved up to my room after a minute, shutting my door and sitting down at my desk to finish up some homework.

Soon, I finished and leaned back in my chair, just as Peter slung himself through the window. "Hey Kate!" He exclaimed happily, taking off his mask.

I smiled a bit, standing to greet him. "Hey Peter."

"Have you started packing yet?"

He was so excited, but my face fell. "Oh, Peter..." I sighed and shook my head.

Peter immediately pulled me into a hug, as if he knew exactly what I was going to say. "I'm sorry, Kate. I promise I'll take lots of pictures for you." He hugged me tight.

I sighed and pulled away a bit, just enough to see his face. I put my hand on his cheek, which pulled a soft smile out of me. "I love you, Peter Parker."

He smiled gently, putting both his hands on my cheeks. "I love you more, Miss Myers." He cheekily rubbed his nose against mine, making me laugh.

"Oh, Mr. Parker, I do believe we are being informal here!" I said in a fake falsetto.

"Why, Miss Myers, I think I like it better this way," he replied in a deeper voice than his usual one. His hands moved down to my waist and he pulled me close.

"Why, I say, Mr. Parker! You are being awful affectionate for a girl you've not courted yet!"

"Then why don't I court you right now?" He said, pulling his face close to mine so our noses were almost touching.

I blushed and burst out in giggles, pushing him away a bit. Peter chuckled, but as I calmed myself down, I smacked his arm. "Peter Benjamin!"

"Yes, Miss Myers?" He replied, still in his low voice.

"Stop!" I laughed, having to sit in my desk chair to keep from collapsing.

My father opened my door with a small knock, but upon seeing the scene, he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "What have you two done this time?"

Peter walked over to my father, keeping his act and voice. "Peter Parker. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dr. Strange. I was hoping to meet you, but at a more opportune time. But, I suppose now is better than ever. I'd like to court your daughter."

I was still giggling, almost to tears, as my father looked at Peter with a slight look of confusion. However, I was pushed over the edge when my father joined in.

"Ah, Mr. Parker!" He shook Peter's hand. "Yes, I've heard so much about you! My daughter talks about you a lot."

"Yes, Miss Myers is quite a chatty one, isn't she?" Peter replied, throwing me a glance, which only made me laugh harder.

"As for courting her, you have my blessing. But I do believe that you should wait until after your trip is over. Wouldn't want her to think you got cold feet!"

Both Peter and my father gave a fake chuckle, which was a bit over exaggerated. I fell out of my chair and onto the floor, doubled over in laughter and tears. I could barely breathe through the laughter. My head pounded as I laid on my back and tried to calm myself enough to breathe. Peter knelt beside me, only making me laugh more as he spoke. "I say! You'd think she's dying!"

I howled with laughter, nearly screaming as they kept talking. My father knelt beside me and took my pulse on my neck. "Yes, her heartbeat is abnormally high and she seems to be having respiratory spasms!"

"This isn't fair!" I screamed, hot tears flowing down my face.

My father and Peter did the same fake chuckle, making me cover my red, scalding face and all but screech.

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