Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Part 1

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"Thanos!" Tony shouted, pulling the giant's attention toward us.

Peter, Tony, my father, and I stood in a line, ready to bring our all against the giant. Thanos laughed. "Mere mortals, all of you," he said, closing his fist. The six infinity stones started to glow.

"Thanos, we've come to bargain!" My father said.

"Bargain?" Thanos chuckled, opening his fist. "Bargain what?"

"The infinity stones," Tony spat back.

"You've all but destroyed the universe," my father stated. "It's time to give them up."

"You think I'm just going to hand them to you? After all this time? No," Thanos said, shaking his head.

"You have to, Thanos. It's time," Tony replied.

"No!" Thanos lashed out, closing his fist and using the power to throw chairs at us.

My father and I conjured a shield against him, protecting Peter and Tony. Suddenly, Thanos knocked us off our feet, the shield breaking. Peter ran over to help me up, Tony helping my father. That's when I had an idea.

Thanos was about to throw something else at us when I shouted at him. "Wait!" He hesitated and opened his fist, allowing me to step forward. "Wait, Thanos, please. If you don't want to give up the infinity stones, then destroy them. Then nobody has them. You're afraid of us undoing what you've done, right? If you destroy the stones, we've no way to undo it," I said, making eye contact with him.

He thought for a moment, then smirked. "You're a brave one, child. It's a good solution, fair all around. Too bad the ones you love are going to suffer for it, hm?"


Thanos closed his fist again, which made Tony, Peter, and my father float in the air, seemingly restrained. They were helpless. Tony and Peter's masks were deactivated. Thanos walked up behind me, putting a giant hand on my shoulder. "Now, child. Who will die?"

"No, no, this isn't what I wanted!" I said, shaking my head. Tears were already forming in my eyes. "Thanos, please... if you're going to kill anybody, make it me."

"No, child, I'd never kill you. You made a deal with me."

"It wasn't a deal, just a suggestion! We never agreed on it!"

Thanos grabbed my arm and shook my hand. "There, now it's a deal. Now, please choose who's the first to go,"

"Katelyn, I'll make this easy for you," Tony spoke. "I'm not important, choose me."

"But you are important! You're all important!" Tears ran down my face, which I wiped away, looking between them all. My father gave me a look of sympathy, letting me know that I could choose him. Peter tried to hide his fear, giving me a look of love instead, letting me know he wouldn't hold it against me. Tony gave me a look of respect and understanding, seemingly accepting death.

"I'll give you time to think, child. I know it's a hard decision for someone so compassionate, but one must die."

"Please, Thanos," I begged. "I'll do anything, just spare them."

"Make a decision, child. Or all of them will die," Thanos replied, turning and walking a few steps away to stare coldly out a window.

"What?!" I cried out, more tears streaming down my face. I looked at the three men suspended in the air before me.

"Katelyn, calm down," my father reassured me. "None of us will be upset with your choice, do you understand me? You were wrongly put in this position, but it's a small price to pay for the infinity stones to be destroyed. If it comes between saving us or the time stone, Katelyn..." I took in a deep breath, looking at my father. "Kate, you have others in your life now, you don't need me any-"

"No," I said. "Dad, no, I-I can't."

"Katelyn," Peter spoke next.

"No, Peter I don't want to hear-"

"Kate!" Peter cut me off. "Nobody lets me have a say, so let me talk." I looked into Peter's fearful eyes, silence falling over me. "Katelyn, being a superhero has been better than I could've ever imagined. Meeting you, fighting by your side, and falling in love has been better than any adventure I could've imagined. Kate, with you my life has been complete. Like your dad said, none of us are going to be mad at you for whatever you choose. I love you more than anything, Kate, and I'd gladly do this for you. You could never hurt me. Never. The world needs Mr. Stark, and the magic world needs your dad," Peter stopped speaking for a moment. "Okay, that didn't really make sense but you know what I mean." I smiled a bit, tears running down my face as Peter spoke. "Look, all I know is that I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. People don't need me like they need Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange."

"Peter, stop it right now," Tony said. "You've said enough. Katelyn, look at me."

I shifted my gaze from Peter's gentle eyes to Tony's hardened ones. "Mr. Stark, I-"

"No, Kate. I've already run it through my head. I'm the best one to kill in this situation. I've no family, and Pepper is the one who runs Stark Industries, not me. I'm just the big name and pretty face. The rest of the avengers don't need me and Peter has you to protect him. I'm not being self-depreciating, just stating facts. I'm not important in the long run or the scheme of things. Many would mourn me, but few would be truly sad about it."

"The avengers would crumble without you," I argued.

"I'm the one who broke the avengers up. It's my fault."

"Mr. Stark, no, I-"

"Katelyn, look into my eyes," Tony said, allowing me to make eye contact. He let me see past his exterior and into his soul. He really thought all of it was true. "Tell Thanos you choose me."

"It's just not that easy, Mr. Stark," I replied. "Can you read me the same way I can read you?"

Tony fell silent for a moment, examining my eyes. "Yes," he whispered, shifting his gaze away ashamedly. He knew I couldn't stand to kill anyone.

All of them seemed to understand in that moment. That's when I felt a large hand on my shoulder again. "It's time to choose, Katelyn."

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