Rescue: Part 3

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(A/N) Some of the dialogue from this chapter is taken from the movie Spider-Man: Far From Home and is copyright of Marvel. I do not own that dialogue and it is not my own. I am simply showing how Kate would affect the universe and the situation at hand.

As we neared our destination, I gazed at Peter as he watched his new suit being built. It wasn't fair he had to go through all of this. The only person he trusted in his family's absence betrayed him. I shifted my gaze down to the ground, thinking about how upset I was about Beck. Anger built inside me as I heard Peter's story echo in my head.

I stood, though I didn't know why, turning and starting to pace as things were being mulled over in my head. Peter looked to me and caught my gaze when I turned around, making me sigh and look away.

"What's up, Kate?" He asked, knowing I had a problem with thinking too much when I had nothing to do.

"It's just... The way you describe him, it's sounds like he mimicked our sorcery."

"It did remind me of your sorcery..."

I sighed heavily, angry at this man. "If I ever get to him, I sw-"

"You won't have to worry about it."

"I'll show him real magic."

"Katelyn..." Peter walked over and pulled me into a tight hug. "I need you with Happy and our friends, okay? This is my fight. Please let me do it on my own."

I hugged Peter tightly, burying my face into his chest. "I understand... I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Katelyn. More than anything."


"Alright, comms check? Can you hear me, kid?" Happy said.

"Yeah, I can. It's just a little loud out here!"

I smiled at Peter through the window.

"I like the new suit."


I looked ahead of us, just as Happy did. The monster was huge and seemed like a cloud of fiery dust.

"Whoa, Peter, you sure that's not real?" Happy asked, concerned.

"Yeah! It's just a hundred times bigger than I expected!"

"Still the play?"

"Uh huh! We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see me coming!"

"Be safe out there, Peter," I replied, looking out the window at him, then back to the cloud monster.

"Stay sticky," Happy said before pulling the nose of the plane upwards.


"Alright, where are they?" Happy asked me.

I pulled up his phone to Flash's livestream. "In that valley over there," I stated with a point of my finger. "They're running away from their class."

"Alright, we're gonna set her down on this blacktop... Easy... Easy..." Happy said to himself as he let the jet down. "There! Come on, let's go!"

Happy and I ran out of the jet, down to the last place we saw Flash's stream. I masked my face and voice, shifting into my robes and cloak.

"Ned!" Happy called, stopping the four students from running. It was Ned, MJ, Betty, and Flash. "We gotta get you guys out of here! Get on the jet!"

"Who are you?!" MJ said.

"We work with Spider-Man, okay?! Get on the jet!"

"You work for Spider-Man?!" Flash exclaimed.

"No, I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man-"

He was cut off by something blowing up the jet behind us. I turned, seeing some drones heading toward us. My cloak allowed me to float. "Happy, get them into the tower! I'll lead them away then circle back around to help."

"He said to stay together!" Happy retorted.

"Go! I'll circle back!"

Happy was hesitant to leave me, but turned and rushed the group into the tower. I floated as a guard, several drones surrounding me. I knew Beck was watching me. Observing. Trying to figure out what I was. I started the motions to conjure a shield.

That's when they all began firing at me, only a few non-lethal bullets getting through before they were blocked,  ricocheting off my shield and back onto themselves. However, I saw two drones break off and fly into the tower. My bubble of protection expanded, knocking out all the droids around me. I flew into the tower just as Happy was escorting the group hurriedly into the vault of the Crown Jewels.

I flew straight past the drones and put up another shield as Happy closed the doors. I let it dissipate as I heard Peter on the comm. "Happy! Kate! Say something please, to let me know you're alive!"

"We're here, we're here!" Happy said.

"Happy, thank God!"

"We bought some time... but not much."

"I can only keep my spells up for so long. I can buy us a bit more if you need it. I have faith in you, Spider-Man," I said into the comm.

"I'm trying to get to Beck but I can't shake these drones!"

"You've got this! Don't give up. Never give up."

The droids were getting pretty far with their lasers, so I decided it would be good to begin the spell. I made sure to take my time and make it extra strong, despite the extra energy it took me.

I heard the group behind me chattering, but nearly lost my concentration when Happy said something about being in love with May. I felt them all look to him, but I simply let my spell engulf us.

"Whoa..." I heard from behind me. "How are you doing that?"

"Shut up, Flash! She'll lose her focus! She's the only thing standing between us and death!" MJ replied.

I stayed silent, simply letting myself focus on my spell and drown them out. Soon, I was getting tired as the drones continued firing at us. Bullet after bullet I was growing weaker. "Happy I'm sorry!" I shouted, knowing I couldn't last much longer.

Happy moved to stand in front of the group, although I knew he wanted to stand in front of me.

That's when the drones ceased fire, flying away. I hesitated for a moment, but then let my spells dissipate, falling to the ground. I was weak and didn't have the strength to get up right away. I felt Happy beside me, his hand on my back. I groaned, finding the strength to roll myself over so I could breathe better. My head was spinning.

"You alright?"

"Fine," I said with a cough. "Just... Just gotta rest..."

Happy stayed beside me, then told Flash to turn his camera off. I groaned slightly before attempting to sit up, Happy supporting my back. He then helped me to my feet, steadying me. My head was spinning. "I'm... Gonna go... Regroup..." I said, trying to keep myself steady. My cloak lifted me off the ground and helped me float instead of walking.

Volume IV: What Kept You From GreatnessWhere stories live. Discover now