Rescue: Part 4

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(A/N) Some of the dialogue from this chapter is taken from the movie Spider-Man: Far From Home and is copyright of Marvel. I do not own that dialogue and it is not my own. I am simply showing how Kate would affect the universe and the situation at hand.

My cloak took me out of the tower and into the street. I allowed my face and voice masking spells to dissipate, already feeling the urge to let myself sleep. However, I stayed awake to attempt to regain my strength without passing out. My mind wasn't right, but I started to cry when I saw Peter on the bridge. He didn't have his mask on and seemed to be limping his way toward the tower's general direction. My cloak flew me over to him, then set me down about ten feet away. I forced my weak muscles toward him, all but collapsing as I reached his arms. He slowly lowered me to the ground, and I knew then that he was weak as well.

"Kate... What happened...?"

"I'm fine..." I croaked. "Just used my sorcery to keep us alive..."

"I'm so sorry, Kate..." he whispered, pulling me in closer.

I wrapped my trembling arms around him. "No, Peter..." I replied. "Don't be sorry... I was happy to assist the one and only Spider-Man..."

Peter let out a small chuckle, hugging me a bit tighter. "Thank you..." he whispered. "I don't know what I would've done without you..."

"Anything for you..." I replied. "Did you kick Mysterio's butt?"

Peter's grip tightened a bit. "Y-Yeah, I did..." he said. "He won't bother us ever again..."



I waited outside with May at the airport. That's when an officer came up and began speaking to May, seemingly to give her a parking ticket. Then, we caught sight of one another.

"You know this girl?" He asked May.

"Yes, she's my nephew's girlfriend. He's just getting off the plane and we're going to meet him."

"Is that so, ma'am?" He addressed me.

"Yes, Officer Mercado. This is May Parker, the aunt of Peter Parker."

"I see. Well, I'll let you go this time, but next time you might not be so lucky," he replied. "Go find your kid and then move your car."

"Of course, officer. Thank you," May replied before getting out with me and searching for Peter.

As he came out of the building, May ran over to him and hugged him. "Oh, Peter! I'm so proud of you..."

"Thanks Aunt May..." he replied. When May let him go, he smiled at her, then switched to me. He hugged me tightly, as if it was the first time in ages.

"Hey..." I said softly. "We're alright... we're home..." I wrapped one arm around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair. The other held him in a tight embrace around his waist. "Everything is fine now..."

When we finally broke apart, I wiped a stray tear off his face and kissed his cheek with a gentle smile.


"You went to London?!" My father confronted as I was walking to my room.

I swore underneath my breath and pivoted with a small sigh, sitting on the steps. "Dad, Peter needed me."

"I told you I didn't want you abroad."

"Actually, you said you didn't want me going on the trip and technically I went and came back with Happy on Mr. Stark's private jet soooo...."

My father sighed and pinched his nose. "You're going to be the death of me, child."

"I highly doubt that, father," I replied with a small smile.

I got a small smile out of him as he waved me away. "Go to your room already."

"You knew it was going to happen," I said, standing. "You know you can't hold me back."

"I also know you're a good girl," he replied.

"I know," I spoke with a smile crossing my face.


I met Peter on the roof of the Sanctum with a small smile.

"Ready?" He asked.

"You're going down, Parker," I replied.

He pulled down his mask. "Go!!!"

Peter and I raced through the streets, Peter slinging webs at me to make it fair. He pulled me backward, but I sped ahead of him after a moment. Just as he was about to sling another web at me, he hesitated, not slinging any more webs to advance himself.

I frowned, stopping as he lowered himself onto a lamppost. I masked my voice and face, hovering beside him. We stared in awe at a television broadcast of breaking news.

"We come to you now with revelations with last week's attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka, Mysterio's death. Warning, some may find this footage disturbing."

I glanced at Peter, who was perching on the lamppost, obviously nervous.

The footage was out of context, I could tell right away. It was nicely stitched together, almost expert work. Peter's identity had been revealed. I looked to him, glad my face and voice were masked.

Peter put his hands to his head and several people on the ground who were watching looked up to Peter and I. I looked to Peter, coming closer to whisper to him. "The news will be after you now and probably the police. You need to hide."

Peter was distraught, I could tell. He looked up at me. "Y-Yeah... You're right..."

"Go, Spider-Man. We'll meet up later."

Peter slung away as people took pictures. I flew in the opposite direction, knowing I could circle back. I finally landed on top of the sanctum, dropping into my bedroom window. I let my spells fall and my cloak shifted. "Dad?!"

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