Chapter 6: Ships

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Four days had gone by since the arcade incident, so it was now Thursday. I was about to leave my locker and go to my last bell, creative writing, when my locker door suddenly slammed shut. I turned to see none other then awkward knees himself, Mikey Way. "Hey, Mikes, what's up?"

"London, I really need your help with something."

"Uh, ok. What is it?" I asked a little nervously.

"I need relationship advice," he stated point-blank and I almost spat out my vanilla latte.

"Relationship advice? From me? You do realize that I'm a single high school girl that hangs out with thirteen high school guys and has never scored a date?" I half screamed and half laughed.

"Well maybe that's because we are all either gay for each other?"

"I mean that's fair, but also not my point. All I meant to say was that I'm not good at relationships."

"Yeah, but you notice things about us that others don't. Can you please at least try?" Mikey almost pleaded.

"Yeah, of course. How is it that you need help with?"

"Uh..." he averted his gaze and continued to speak in a lower voice, "it's, uh, Pete."

"Pete? Really? That's great!"


"Oh, I just mean that you would be so cute together and he's in my creative writing class, so I can talk to him there. I just need someone to distract Ryan, so I can talk to Pete alone. Oh, I know! I'll get two couples together! I can have Bren text Ry and ask him out while I talk to Pete about you. That way Ry won't be in the way of Pete and I's conversation and I can get to of my ships together!" I almost fangirled.

"i have no idea what you just said, but thanks, I guess," Mikey said and walked off to his last class as I went to take my seat between Pete and Ry in the back of the room and pulled out my phone.

London Bridge is Falling Down: Beebs i need u to do something for me like rn

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: what do u need im in math

London bridge is Falling Down: i need u to ask Ry out right this very second

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: why

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: im not even ready

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: what if he says no

London Bridge is Falling Down: 1st of all he wont 2nd of all i need him distracted so that i can talk to pete w/o him hearing

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: what do u need pete for

London Bridge is Falling Down: i need to get him to ask mikey out

London Bridge is Falling Down: and b4 u say anything mikey asked for the help

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: fine i'll do it but if he says no then its ur fault that i lose my best friend and u lose ur fake brother or whatever it is that u call him its kinda weird btw but i guess thats not my problem

London Bridge is Falling Down: just txt ryro u wimp

Beeeeeebbboooooooo my bro: fine

After that I saw Ryan pull out his phone, so I turned to Pete and tapped his shoulder, "Hey, Petey, can we talk?"

He turned around, smiled at me, and replied,"yeah, of course, London. What about?"

"I was wondering if you liked anyone, and please be honest. I mean, it's okay if you don't answer. It's kind of a personal question; and just so you know, if you do answer, I am in no way, shape, or form, expecting me to be the answer, or any girl to be honest," I rambled.

Pete furrowed his eyebrows at me before replying, "Uh, yeah, I kinda have a crush on someone in our group," I smiled when he said this which prompted the weird look he gave me before continuing," it's Mikey, actually. I like Mikey."

"Really? That's great!" I whisper yelled so that Ms. Rowling wouldn't get mad at us for talking in class.

"Why exactly is that great, London?"

"Oh, just because Mikey asked me on the way here to set you and him up," I smirked as Pete's eyes widened.

"Really? Mikey likes me back?"

"Yeah, and it would be great for my reputation to set people up if you asked him out."

"Wait is that what you're doing over there?' Pete pointed at Ryan and I nodded which made him laugh. "Yeah, I'll as Mikey out, if you're sure he won't say no."

"I'm positive," I affirmed which made Pete smile and we both focused back on our work.

Around twenty-five minutes later, the bell rang dismissing us for the day. I waited for everyone else to leave while Ryan was still putting his pencils and binder into his backpack. When he was finally ready to leave, I tapped his shoulder, and he turned around and smiled at me. "Hey, Ry, what's up? I haven't really talked to my favorite fake brother in awhile."

Ryan smiled and replied, "Oh yeah, I-I'm doing great actually!"

"Really, why?"

"Oh, I um, Brendon just asked me out, actually," he whispered while looking at his shoes awkwardly.

"Really? That's amazing, Ryro! I'm so happy for you! I didn't know Bren had the guts though, I kind of thought that he was going to chicken out."

"You put him up to this?"

"I gave him the confidence to do something that he already wanted to do, Ry. Trust me, he really does like you, I promise. So, where are you guys going for your date?"

"I don't know actually. I think he suggested a movie or something, but I don't know when. I have to go back to my house tonight and work out things with my dad. Apparently, me not being there for him to beat up has had a difficult toll on his mental health. He wants me to go back tonight, like, permanently," Ryan sighed

"Hey, Ryro, it's ok. I'm going over to the Way''s after school to learn Gee's vocals, but afterwards I can go with you if you want."

"No, that's okay London. I don't want him to hurt you too."

"Whatever you say, Ryro. I'll see you later. Have fun with my brother," I said as I kissed his cheek and walked off to find Mikey waiting for me at my locker. "So, did anything happen with you and Pete?"

For once, Mikey's poker face flashed to a smile as he replied, "Actually, Pete texted me during class. We are going to this new pizza place he really likes tomorrow night."

"That's great, Mikey. I'm so happy for you guys! So, are we headed to band practice?"

"Oh, yeah. Ray's already there and Frank's riding with Gee, so I guess we're off," he answered.

"Sounds great, Mikes. Let's go."

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