Chapter 9: One Last Time, I Want to Spend the Day With You, For One Last Time

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Author's Note: This is going to be the last chapter. I hope you're prepared

It had been a few months since the Battle of the Bands, and it was now the last day of school. I had planned my edgy outfit last night so that I was ready to go this morning. I threw on my faded Queen shirt and black jean skirt, making sure that the shirt was tucked in. I added my knee high black converse boots, studded belt, and rubber bracelets, finishing off my look with lots of eyeliner, eyeshadow, and black lipstick. I made my way to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, because let's be honest, if coffee didn't exist, no one would survive high school.

After I had finished my coffee and the bagel which I had made, and Brendon still hadn't showed up, I decided it called for drastic measures. I quietly walked up the stairs and made my way to his room, swinging the door open and screaming at the top of my lungs, "BEEBO GET THE F*** UP! IT'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!"

He almost jumped out of his bed, screaming. "Goddamn London! You almost gave me a heart attack!" 

"Good now throw on a t-shirt and let's go! I promised Ty and Josh that I'd be there early so we could finish up our collab song that we're working on."

Brendon just shook his head at me and quickly got ready to leave. We made it to the corner just as the rest of the guys were about to leave. We ran up to them and Ryan wrapped his arm over my shoulder. "And how is my honorary sister doing on this fine day?"

"Amazing now that I don't have to be a freshman after today," I thought for a second, "Holy shit Ryro, you're going to be a senior!" Ryan laughed at me and nodded, continuing the conversation until we made it to school, and I ran over to the tree that I told Tyler and Josh that I would meet them at.

I sat down in between my two favorite freshman and we finished up a song that we had been writing together called 'Kitchen Sink.' It was absolutely an emotional mess and I couldn't help, but to scream the lyrics every time we went over it. We planned on recording it over the summer and bringing it in as our summer project for band next year, and I was so excited. 

The day went by slower than ever; having to sit through each class was almost so horribly boring, it was painful. I couldn't wait for the final bell to ring. After school, we were going to have a  huge blowout street party, especially since most of our street was our friend group. There was always the unfortunate possibility that Bob or Brent would show up, but we would deal with that if it happens. Finally, it was 2:59, and I was counting down the seconds as Pete was flicking paper wads at me and Ryan was nose deep in his song book, probably working on the new song he told me about, 'Northern Downpour' maybe. Riiiiiiiiinnnnngggg! That was it I was free for eight whole weeks!

As soon as I made my way down the front marble staircase, Mikey, Gee, Ray, Patrick, Joe, and Andy were waiting for us. Pete, Ryan, and I made our way over. Beebo, Jon, Spencer, Frank, Tyler, and Josh came a few minutes later. We all walked together down to our road where we had our parents set up tables with pop and chips. There were also lawn chairs lining all of the yards and at the end of the road, a make shift stage with the biggest speakers I had ever seen and a microphone already set up. 

"Holy shit guys, who wants to go sing?!?" 

"Frank, please calm the f*** down! We can all perform if you want," Gee consoled the black haired boy who was now so excited that he was literally shaking.

Frank then ran over to me and grabbed my shoulders, shaking me on every word, "LONDON, YOU HAVE TO SING WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE WITH US AGAIN! IT'S GONNA BE RAD!!!" I laughed and just nodded my head which apparently appeased the boy because he ran off to his house to, in his words, "get some f****** weed to make this party f****** rad."

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