Chapter 5: Brent and Bob

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By the time the three of us made it to the Way's, everyone was there except for Frank, who was always running late. We all piled into the back of Ray's pick up, and waited for Frank, who finally jogged across the street at eleven twenty. I have no idea what took him so long, but it better be good.

"Hey f******! How's everyone doing?" The short boy asked as he hoisted himself over the side of the truck and sat down next to Mikey.

"Oh, just peachy! I really enjoyed sitting here for twenty minutes waiting for your f****** emo ass to high tail across the street!" Pete, who was on the other side of Mikey, snapped at Frank.

"Woah, Pete. Don't you think that maybe that was a little aggressive?" Patrick asked as he patted Pete on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right, Pat. Sorry, it's just the hangover has got me on edge."

"Ha! You should've seen Bren this morning when I screamed. I thought his head was going to explode, it was hilarious!" I commented.

"Yeah, it would've been so funny if my head exploded and you had to clean up my brains from all over the kitchen, wouldn't it have?" Brendon retorted.

"It would've, Beebo, because at least I would know that you got pay back for getting drunk and leaving me with Ry all by myself."

"Hey!" Ryan interjected as everyone in the back of the truck, which was everyone except for Ray and Gee who were in the actual truck, snickered at my backhanded comment.

"Kidding, kidding," I laughed as Ryan only pouted and turned away, "I love you Ry Ry," I said in a more high pitched voice that is typically associated with talking to babies and kissed him on the cheek which made him smile.

"Hey, I'm your real brother!" Brendon crossed his arms and stuck out his lower lip.

"I love you too, Beebo," I said in the same voice and kissed his cheek as well. This went on with every single one of the guys in the truck until I had given them each a cheek kiss and they all stopped pouting, but eventually broke out into a fit of laughter instead.

Suddenly the car stopped, Gee and Ray hopped out, and walked around to the back to find twelve guys and a girl hysterically laughing. "So, what did we miss?" Ray asked, a little perplexed at our behavior.

"I love you, Ray," I said in the same voice as before and pecked his cheek. He and Gerard just stood there with their mouths agape and eyes wide. "Shhhhh, don't tell Gee," I whispered in his ear as everyone broke out laughing again.

"Can someone please explain what just happened?" Gee asked as his eyes darted to everyone in the back of the truck.

"Ryan got mad at London because she made a back handed comment towards him, so she kissed his cheek and said that she loved him in a baby voice. Then, Bren got mad because he's her real brother, so she did the same thing to him. Eventually, she had done that to everyone in the truck, well, except you," Pete explained between wheezes.

"Don't you love me too, London?" Gee replied after he found out what had happened.

"Mmm, I guess, but I can't kiss your cheek. You're my teacher, that would be inappropriate," I stated as I hopped out of the truck and walked into the arcade leaving all of the guys outside, staring at Gee and laughing.

"What the hell just happened?"

"I think you got teacher zoned, man," Mikey said as he clapped Gerard on the back and walked inside with everyone else.

After around an hour of vintage video games such as Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Asteroids, I heard a commotion, as if someone was fighting and losing pretty bad, near the air hockey table. I ran over to see what was going on only to find Frank getting his emo ass kicked by Brent Wilson and another blonde guy who looked a little older. Brent used to be friends with my brother, Ryan, and Spencer until he turned into a huge asshole and decided he wanted to beat kids up instead of play the bass. That's when they told him to get lost, and found Jon, who moved here from Chicago, instead. The other kid, I assumed was Bob Bryar. He lived next to Brendon and I, but I never really saw him. Gee, Mikey, Frank, and Ray had told me that he used to be their drummer until he had a similar conversion to Brent's and they kicked him out. Brent was in my brother's grade and Bob was a senior, so the two-on-one fight against Frankie was totally unfair.

"London, what the actual f*** are you doing?" Frank screamed at me as Brent held him up and Bob took repeated hits at his face.

"Helping you, you absolute f****** moron!"

"Your brother is gonna kill me if he finds out!" Frank replied in between hits, but I just shrugged his comment off and hit Brent in the side of the head, taking him off guard.

"Hey! What the f*** do you think you're doing?" Brent screamed at me until he turned around and his eyes widened. "Shit, Bob. That's a girl! I can't fight a girl!"

"Just f****** beat her up, you f****** wimp!" Bob replied.

"Don't you..."

"F****** dare!" Pete started and Gee finished. I smiled at the guys willingness to fight for me.

"That's my little sister you f****** bastard!" Brendon screamed and ran at Brent. I personally knew that Brent could totally beat up Brendon, but I wasn't going to say anything.

At this point all of the guys had come over to fight Brent and Bob, that Frank and I had been forgotten. I looked around to find him passed out against the air hockey table, blood dripping down his face. I picked him up wedding style and carried him out to the pick up and then ran back inside. When I returned, I found both Bob and Brent begging for mercy as Gee was smashing in Bob's face and Spencer was beating up Brent. I tapped Bren's shoulder and he turned around, engulfing me in a hug.

"Don't you ever do something like that again! Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Bren."


"I promise as long as no one's getting hurt. I had to help Frankie."

"One of us could've done that. I just don't want my little sister getting hurt, ok?" he whispered as he kissed the top of my head and I nodded.

Everyone started filing out of the arcade before the manager could get mad at us and we headed back to the Way's house where Mrs. Way helped bandage up Frank. It was around five when we started heading back home, so Brendon, Ryan, and I gathered our things and commenced our walk down the street. Brendon unlocked the door and immediately headed to the kitchen to grab a Capri Sun and left Ryan and I to follow. When we made it to the kitchen, my mom was there cooking chicken. 

"Oh, hi guys. Ryan, sweetie, I ran into your dad today. He said that he apologizes for the drunk text, but also said that it's best for you to continue to stay here," my mom rambled. I turned to see Ryan's reaction, and he looked like he was extremely upset, but didn't want to show it.

"Oh, uh, ok," was all he said as he followed Brendon and I to the living room to watch T.V. before dinner.

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