Inside The Volcano

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Before beginning, I just wanna say...


The game this is based off of got fucked up, and  kept on crashing. But it's good now.

Without further ado, let's get this show back on the road!

Mr. Thwomp: *Lands on the ground* Oomph!

Mario: OOF!

Meggy: EEK!

Babies: AH!

Mr. Thwomp: She scary. I pay for that. Now you know why you treat ladies nice.

Meggy: Mmhmm.

Mario: Yep. Indeed.

The quartet jumps off Mr. Thwomp's head.

Mr. Thwimp: Pretty lady you look for in this place... She stolen?

Meggy: Yeah.

Mario: Let us explain...

As Mario and Meggy explain to Mr. Thwomp... Meanwhile, at the bottom of the volcano...

Bowser: ... *Looks around* ...Bwahaha! This place is a pit! It's hot, stinky, dangerous, and one humongous fire hazard! I LOVE it! Talk about a perfect place for me to build a second castle!

Someone suddenly falls and lands on the ground in front of Bowser.

Bowser: !

It was Baby Bowser. (Holy shit, he flew THAT far?!)

Baby Bowser: ... *Looks around* ...Gwahahahaha! This place is sooo nasty! Boiling hot, reeking, and just MADE for trouble! TALK ABOUT AWESOME! This is the EXACT place to build my second castle!

Baby Bowser turns around, seeing Bowser.

Baby Bowser: !

Bowser/Baby Bowser: ...Hey! You there!

Both of the Bowsers jump and stomp the ground.

Bowser/Baby Bowser: This place belongs to ME, you twerp!/Take off, gramps! This place is MINE! ...

Baby Bowser: Grrr! You look familiar! Yeah, you just look like a bigger, fatter me! You copycat!

Bowser walks up in front of Baby Bowser.

Bowser: YOU'RE the copycat! You can walk like me and talk like me, but you ain't me! You're just a shrimpy brat!

Baby Bowser: *Pissed* You're one rude dude, tubby! Who raised ya, Chain Chomps?!

Bowser: *Pissed* Me?! You're the one with the bad attitude, Goomba-breath! You'll never amount to nothin'!

Bowser/Baby Bowser: GRRR!

*Back with the quartet...*

Mr. Thwomp: ...Mmm... Very long story. But understood.

Mario: Yeah.

Meggy: We need to find him now.

Mr. Thwomp: Big Bowser is in bottom of volcano.

Mario: Alright, thank you.

Meggy: Yeah, thanks.

Mr. Thwomp: Okay. You hurry and rescue pretty lady. When you want up, you tell me up. My wife angry, but... I go back anyway.

Meggy: Alright.

Mario: Okie dokie.

The adults pick the babies up on their backs.

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