Boot camp day 2

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I was surrounded. All 23 tributes advanced me at once. All I had was a small throwing knife. I threw it at someone and he dropped. I was defenseless. At the exact same time, everyone pounced on me.

I sat up screaming. Richard ran into my room, holding a candelabra, "what's wrong!" He shouted. Then he saw my, shaking. He dropped the candle holder and walked over to my side.

He cradled me in his arms until I drifted back off into, this time luckily, a dreamless sleep.

What seemed to only be a few minutes, I was awoken again to go to training. I threw on my training outfit and grabbed a breakfast crisp.

In the elevator, I ate it slowly. When we reached the bottom floor, Richard and I parted ways again.

This time, having mastered first aid, blind fighting, and agility, I headed over to the edible plant section. There was Maya, the smarty from 5.

As we both studied the plants, the instructor formulated a test. After 30 minutes, the test began.

I got 62/100 and maya got 100/100.

"Maya?" I asked, she nodded, "how'd you do so well?" Maya laughed, "give me your hands."

Slightly nervous, I let her control my hands. She picked up a plant, I barley recognized, and rubbed it between her thumbs.

Then, she placed it in my palm, "feel the tips of the leaf." She said, and as I brushed it I felt little spikes, not even visible. "All poisonous plants," Maya continued, "have either spikes or crevices on the leaves. If they are smooth you can eat then and if they have little flower buds, they are good for medicine."

For the next hour, maya helped me identify each plant. Every time I took the test I got closer and closer.






"Yes!" I squealed, hugging Maya tightly, "thank you so much." Maya smiled gratefully, "would you be interested in teaming?" She asked.

I hesitated. The plan was no one would be at my side, "I'm sorry," I said, her face instantly falling, "but my plan wasn't to team." Maya sighed. I felt awful doing this to her.

"But," I said, hoping to raise her spirits, "if I do run into you, we can help each other out."

Maya smiled, "deal, but it's too bad, I'm with Evan and Kiera from 10." I was shocked, 2 blinds, that'll be hard.

As we parted ways, I headed over to the sword section to practice my "blind skills". After I pulled o my blindfold to find myself face to face with the boy from 9.

His brown quiff and grey eyes are stunning and he had muscles for days. "How'd you do that?" He asked curiously. "Do what?" I responded, generally curious. I'm not that interesting.

"Fight without your eyes. I can barley lift a sword without fumbling." I dropped my weighed weapon to help him. I picked up a light-weight single bladed sword with a leather grip and twirled it around.

"Lemme help you," I said, taking his hand. I closed his fist around the sword and picked up my own, "don't go crazy. Plan on where your going to strike and hit through it."

We practice this over and over until the training center is being closed. "Thanks," he whispers, "I'll look out for you in the arena."

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