Time to prove my skillz

22 1 0

The free day was over. We are sitting silently in the waiting room.

"District 1" rang out through the room.

Val and kian both stand up and walk in. 2 down, 22 to go. We sit in silence, hearing whispers from other tributes. Strategies, weapons, possible score outcome. Anything, to keep themselves preoccupied.

"District 2"

We stand up and walk into the next room. We sit down again, upon instruction, and wait for the avox. Richard turns to me,

"Give it all you've got. Don't hesitate, don't think, just do." The Avox comes back in and nods.

Richard kisses my forehead, "see you on the other side." He follows the avox out. Then I do the opposite of what he told me to do, I begin to think. ALOT.

What am I gonna do for my presentation? How am I gonna start it? End it? It was like I was back in middle school.

"Ailbe Javal" the voice called out.

A door at the end of the hall swung open and I confidently strut towards it. And, believe it or not, I finally have a plan.

As I enter the training area, I see small targets littering the floor. I pick up a sword and a small spear.

I ask for 7 dummies, entering at different times and take my mark. Just before they press the button, I take in my surroundings and pull my bandana over my eyes.

I hear gasps and I grin like a
mad-woman. I here the light footsteps of the first two. I focus my hearing a notice a small click. Bow and arrow. I hit the floor as an arrow whizzes past my head.

I lunge towards the sounds and decapitate the two "tributes" simultaneously. Spearing and slicing. Spearing and slicing. Spearing and slicing. This continues on until the very last dummy.

I remove the blind fold and drop my weapons. The dummy copies. I jump up to the agility course. Swing around, just out of the figure's reach. Finally, I drop onto his back and snap his neck.

I look back up to the game makers. They are all on their feet. I take Abbie and walk out of the room.

And can I say, it felt good.

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