District 2

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I awake in a pure white room. There is only the bed I am in and a small table next to it with a small dress, that would never fit me, and an envelope. I stand in my pajamas, that mysteriously, aren't mine and test my limbs to asses damage from the explosion. I turn to find a mirror next to my bed and see someone that is not me. A sleek, muscular girl with fierce green eyes and bright red hair. I have no chest and I'm much shorter than I was before.

In the envelope on the desk there is a name tag that reads Ailbe Javal. The dress is a sleek green silky material shaped perfectly around my new body. I pull my straight hair back into a pony tail and pace around the room.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a little box appears. Inside it are various supplies known as "makeup" obviously from 1. I also see a needle with thick, black ink inside it. I press down on the handle and draw an upside down heart with a slash through it on my right wrist and the face of a lion on my left.

To most people, these signs would mean nothing, but for me there's a painful story behind each. With times likes these, the ambidextrous skill comes in handy. I store the needle in my pocket and continue looking through the makeup box.

At the very bottom of the box I find a small knife with a note "don't tell snow" I hide it inside my boot. Looking at my self again in the mirror I seem more confident and impatient.

Soon enough, I'm tapping my foot when an invisible door slides open and a soft looking boy, around my age steps in. "Welcome to district 2, I'm Aden and I'll show you to your new home here."

Aden has short hazel hair and Amber eyes. He's dressed in plain grey jeans with a white button up. Something created a bulge in his pocket and I noticed a black image on his forearm. It appeared to be some kind of bird, but there was no way of knowing. He was a good foot taller than me, but I'm short now apparently.

The door slides close behind him and I stand, positioned to grab my newly found knife out of my shoe, "would you care to tell me what's going on," I hiss at him, "this isn't my home, and it never will be!"

Aden nods solemnly, "that's what I thought, 7 years ago, but I've learned to live with it." He ends this with an angry scowl, "the Capitol is just great." He mutters to himself, plopping down on my bed.

"How'd you get here?" I asked cautiously. He pats the seat next to him, and I join him. "I lived in the capital, back when I was known as Clyde. I had broken the rules one too many times so they relocated me here."

"I've been here 7 years, from when I first came on my 8th birthday." He sighed as if remembering something that was far off. "What about you," he glanced at my new tag, "Ailbe?"

"I lived i district 13, and I'm sure you know what happened there." I catch my breath, trying not to let loose my emotions. "I ran but was caught and now I'm here, still 14 years old but a whole new life." Aden looks shocked. "District 13?" He asks, "that place was demolished 100 years ago." I go pale white with dread. "That's not possible."

"I was thrown in the back of a van just a few hours ago!" I'm getting light headed, "how could that be 100 years ago! I can't be 114!" I lower myself to the floor and run my temples.

Aden, slides down next to me, "they must have preserved you somehow, I'm not sure." He takes my hand, "I really am sorry."

I look up at him and realize he means it, "Just tell me what happened. I need to know."

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