Chapter 21

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Dedication: Kendog00 because she thought this was the best book in her library. And she's one of a few(that I know of) that's still reading this book and didn't just leave. Plus this is a reason she still has the app so I hope you enjoy this chapter! May be one of the longest😊



*Kay's POV*

I woke up the next morning really happy. I don't know why, but I did.

Probably cause I'll be seeing Cam today and Shaylor didn't yell for me to wake up. But after waiting a few minutes to get fully awake I grabbed some clothes and decided on taking a shower. I got undressed and took a quick shower before getting out. I decided on wearing my black yoga pants, white shirt sleeved shirt and a white beanie. When I went back into my room something caught my eye. I walked over to it and noticed it one of Cam's hoodies he gave me.

I smiled putting it on then brushed the parts of my hair that wasn't under the beanie. Next I packed my bag by putting my laptop, headphones, phone, wallet, couple movies and my chargers inside it. Quickly, I put on my black converse then went downstairs to see Shawn and Taylor already eating breakfast.

"Hey guys," I smiled.

"Hey, you seem in a happy mood." Shawn said a bit confused but still happy.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked as I put the pop tarts in the toaster.

"Because of the Aaron thing." Taylor said before Shawn slapped him.

"It's fine. I mean I was hurt at first but you know this isn't the first time he's cheated on me. Plus he seems happy with that Caitlin girl. So why spend my time sad when he's obviously off happy? It's not worth it." I shrugged as I ate one of my pop-tarts.

"And now you can finally be with Cam," Shawn said.

I froze before shrugging it off and said, "I don't know what you're talking bout."

"You can't lie to us. We knew you had a crush on him before Aaron."

"How'd you know?"

"Really?" Taylor said. Then he responded without giving me a chance. "Well let's see. When he used to be your neighbor you always wanted to go outside when he was. You constantly doodled his name over your school notebooks plus we overheard you with Milgely one night."

"Come on Kay. I mean he even likes you for heavens sake," Shawn added.

"Yeah I know."

"Exactly! So why don-....wait you know?" They both looked at me confused.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? I mean he did tell me yesterday. So yeah, I know."

"Did he tell you anything else?" Tay asked as I shook my head. They then spoke quietly to one another. As I finished my third pop tart, they looked up and Taylor said, "once you're done meet us in the car."

I nodded as I took a bite of my fourth one. They walked out as I washed the plates before grabbing the house keys and my bag then walking out to the car. Of course when I get there, to the car, Shaylor is there just making out. They didn't even hear me get into the car. I sat back and said, "wanna save your hormones for later? That'd be great."

They jumped apart and Shawn just blushed as Taylor said, "alright but don't complain when you hear Shawn's moans."

I groaned and decided to listen to music on my phone, desperately trying to get that image out my head. I shivered a bit just at the thought if it and just....I can't. I'm just grateful that music saved me. But honestly this car ride seemed like the longest one in my life. I just wanted to get there already.

Book 2 ~ All Of Me. Loves All Of You. And You? (Aaron Carpenter/Cam Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now