Chapter 26

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Dedication: food-is-da-bae for all the lovely comments and motivation and votes. You're another one of my many readers who read the first and this book so quickly. So thank you!!(:

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!(:


*Kay's POV*

The door opened and someone walked in, "hi."

When I looked up and nearly dropped my phone because standing there was my mom.

"Hi.....umm what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I think we need to talk."

"You did enough talking when you called my kids and I a disgrace then kicked us out the house. You even had Ashley turn against me. So what do you really want?" I asked.

"I decided to take custody over your kids. We both know you aren't ready, so why have you stress over two little ones when you can't take care of yourself? I'm only doing this because I care."

"You don't care. You just want to destroy my life. But you aren't taking my children away from me."

"Yes I will. You don't know what it takes to be a mother. You are only 16! You just turned 16. And you need to stop slutting and whoring around before you can be a mother! Who are you with now? Shawn? We all know you two have a thing for each other. But you can't put these kids in a dangerous environment."

"That'd be me putting them with you!!! I'm perfectly fine being their mother. They won't have to worry about being abandoned. They won't have to worry about trying to get their mother's attention or if their mother will call them names. Because I won't. I'm gonna be a better mother that you'll ever be. And how can I be with Shawn? You know he's with Taylor."

"Oh right," she chuckled evilly. "He's the one sinful to God. Him and Taylor. Do you really want them near your kids? They're gonna corrupt your children minds! They are gonna be such bad influe-"

"They're my children's godfathers. Just because you don't like the way they live doesn't mean I'm gonna stop being their friend. So Anne, I'd appreciate it if you left and never contact me or anyone that has some sort of relation to my children and I ever again," I said before going back onto my phone.

My mo-....Anne, stood there but soon left the room. And I was really glad she did. I don't even understand why she came. We both know that she doesn't care for me and if anything just want to destroy my life more. But I'm not gonna let her ruin my children's lives. I will do everything in my power to make sure that they have a safe and great future.

Closing my eyes, I laid back sighing and just tried to clear my mind. But the feeling of my bed shifting a bit didn't help. I opened my eyes and saw Cam next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and said, "you okay?"

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. "You heard everything didn't you?"

"Heard it and recorded it."

"How could she just say that? Say that about me? About Shawn and Taylor?" I asked just as the door opened.

"What about us?" Taylor asked with Shawn behind him.

"Kay's mom actually came and visited her a few minutes ago," Cam told them.

"Are you okay?" Shawn immediately asked rushing to the side of the bed.

"I'm fine. Well pyshically but mentally just...just confused," I admitted.

"What happened?"

"She came in and was nice for a moment. But then admitted to wanting to take away my kids because I need to stop 'slutting and whoring' around plus having two 'sinful' godfathers won't be good for them and such."

Book 2 ~ All Of Me. Loves All Of You. And You? (Aaron Carpenter/Cam Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now