12. Mission

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-No one's PoV-

As the morning sun shone through Lucy's open window, one by one the mages started to stir back into consciousness.

Lucy, who slept in her bed along with Levy, sat up and yawned. "Good morning guys."

All she got in response were yawns and mumbled words.

"Five more minutes." Complained Juvia, as she turned away from the sun so it wouldn't shine on her face.

Lucy got up from her bed, grabbed a pillow and started hitting each mage on the head until they got up. "No mercy!"

Yukino grabbed another pillow and hit her back. "I'm trying to sleep!"

"No.Mercy." Lucy started hitting Yukino harder, which led to them running around the room stepping on everyone.

"Alright that's enough!" Erza grabbed two pillows and stared at them.

Yukino and Lucy glanced at each other and ran for their life. They knew Erza didn't show mercy.

Of course, Erza didn't let them scape that easily and started throwing pillows their way until they both fell on the ground.

She smirked at her fallen comrades. "Victory."

All the mages eventually got up, and sat around Lucy's table while Mira cooked something for them to eat.

"Smells good Mira~San. What are you cooking?" Asked Wendy while walking towards the kitchen.

"Bacon and eggs. It's quite quick to make so it'll be ready in a few minutes." The white haired mage responded.

All the girls drooled at the thought of bacon and eggs. Specially Wendy, Lucy and Erza since they hadn't had Mira's cooking in a while.

Mira stepped out of the kitchen with various plates on her hands. She set them all on the table and filled each with her food. "There's some more in the kitchen if you want seconds."

"Aye sir!" Happy said from above them.

They all looked up in surprise and confusion at the blue exceed.

"Happy?! What are you doing in my house?!" Lucy asked the exceed as he landed on the table and hid his wings.

"Natsu smelt food so we came!"

Carla sweat dropped. "Natsu's here too?"

"Yep!" Natsu shouted from behind the girls. All of them jumped, except for Erza who looked quite angry.

"Natsu what are you doing here?" Erza asked the dragon slayer, trying not to beat him to a pulp.

"Like Happy said, I smelt food and we came. I'm hungry." His stomach growled and all the girls sweat dropped.

"There's some left in the kitchen if you want it." Mirajane pointed Natsu to the kitchen.

In the end all the girls ended up having breakfast along with Happy and Natsu.

After they finished they all got dressed and went to the guild, except for Levy who headed home to check on Gajeel and Gale.

Once they stepped inside the guild, it was surprisingly full considering it was 10am and most Fairy Tail members are still asleep by then.

They all walk their different ways in the guild and Juvia goes to the request board.

I wonder if there's any new ones. She looked around the board, but the only new ones were group requests, and she didn't exactly have a team to go with. No solo quests? How pathetic.

"Hey Juvs!" Someone said from behind Juvia. She turned around and saw Natsu also looking for new missions for him and his team.

"Hey Natsu." She replied, and went back to searching for solo jobs.

After a while of not finding anything she sighed. "There's never any new solo jobs." She mumbled to no one in particular.

"You can come with us if you want!" Natsu offered the water mage with a smirk.

Juvia looked up at him. "Really?"

Natsu smirked again. "Yeah! You don't seem to have a team since they need to take care of Gale and we need an extra mage anyways cuz Wendy said she'll be taking a job with Romeo."

Juvia smiled up at him and nodded. "Which one should we take then?"

"How about this one!" Natsu reached up to a request and unpinned it from the board. "Giant monster terrorizing a town."

"Sure!" Natsu handed her the request. "You take it to Mira I'll go get the others."

Juvia took the paper and made her way to the bar. "Mira!" She got the bartender's attention and she started making her way towards her.

"Hey Juvia. What's up?"

"I would like to take this quest please." Juvia handed Mira the request and she read it.

"That's a team mission though. You can't go alone." She pointed out.

"It's fine I'm going with Natsu and the others."

Mira read the request a bit further and smiled up at Juvia. "It's yours then. Have fun!"

"Arigato!" Juvia walked back to Natsu, who was talking to Gray Erza and Lucy.

"Okay we got the mission." Juvia said handing the request back to Natsu.

"Alright! I'm all fired up!"

Lucy read the request from behind Natsu's shoulder and sweat dropped. "It says it's a three hour train from Magnolia..."


Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

I haven't updated in so long I'm sorry!!!!!!!! Also this chapter is a bit short but I kinda need some filler chapters. Hehehe....

I will try to post more often now instead of just leaving it for months....

But yeahhhhhh sorry about that.

Hope you enjoyed the short chapter

Baii... (*ω*)

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