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(Ok so before we move on, please read this. Before the actual plot starts, this is the SEQUEL! I just wanted to let you know so you are lost or you want another book to read during this global crisis. Anywho, enjoy this chapter and stay healthy. Unless you have corona...then stay in your room and eat cheese and imagine it is from Aoyama.)

I smiled as I caught up with Denki on our five-minute walk to UA. "I have an idea," I said, looking sideways at him. "What is it?" he asked. I smiled and said, "A double date. Todoroki and I are going on one in a few days and I wanted you and Shinsou to come along. Denki blushed a little and I softened my smile. "You don't have to it might help you get used to Shinsou's presence," I said quietly. He looked down before setting his jaw and giving me a determined look. "Alright."


"I have to ask Shinsou?" Denki asked, hissing as he sat next to me for lunch. I nodded and he frowned. "I don't think I can do this," he murmured. "Just get it over with, " Mina said, taking a bite of her soba. I could see the steam rising off of it from where I sat across from her. Denki pursed his lips and sighed. "Fine," he whined. I smiled and got out of my seat, grabbing Denki's wrist. I looked over the booths and I saw Shinsou with Kendo and Monoma. We walked over and Monoma spotted us, shouting at how we were a terrible class. Kendo gave him a  bored look and knocked him out, apologizing. I smiled and we stopped next to Shinsou. Denki kept his head down and I noted how Shinsou turned a little red and stopped eating his lunch. 

"Denki has to ask Shinsou something, " I explained to Kendo. I sat next to her and she chirped, "I can see your happy about Todoroki coming back." I blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm going on a date with him this week and I wanted to have Shinsou and Denki come along to make it a double date," I added, whispering the last part. She beamed and watched as Denki stuffed his feet. I walked back to him and him a smile. "Do you...........on a..........?" Denki said quietly. "What?" Shinsou asked. Denki looked at me and I nudged him. "Do you maybe want to go on a date with me...?" he mumbled, looking ready to bolt if it backfired. Shinsou blinked as his cheeks slowly got redder. He gulped and said, "Uhh--yeah. I mean, yes," he said. Denki gay panicked and nodded, leaving. I chuckled and explained the double date plans I had in mind. "I could do that," Shinsou said, nodding. As I left to go after Denki who had returned to our table, I saw Kendo wiggle her eyebrows t Shinsou, saying something about a "ship."

I returned to the table and Mina was congratulating Denki. "Way to go, Kaminari," Iida said. Denki chuckled and sat down, his face a ripe tomato. "I'll tell you the plans after school, alright?" I told Denki. He nodded and we finished our lunch.


"Ok, so we'll be going to a restaurant on Friday at 6," I said to Denki as I helped him find an outfit for the night. I grabbed a beige sweater and a pair of red-brown jeans. I also grabbed a plaid shirt. I made him put the shirt and pants on, then told him to tie the plaid shirt around his waist. He did so and I smiled. Mina came in that second and looked form me to Denki's outfit. "You look gay," she commented. He rolled his eyes and his cheeks flushed. "You did a good job picking it out, Deku," Mina added to me, smiling. I chuckled and let Denki change in the bathroom. He handed me the clothes and I folded them, setting them on his desk. "Where are you guys gonna go?" she asked, laying on Denki's bed. I smiled and said, "That new restaurant that opened a few months ago by the theatre," I said. Mina sat up, "Really, I heard that place is expensive." I frowned, "Todoroki is paying. Said, he insisted." She shrugged, "Maybe he has a credit card or something." I shrugged too and Denki spoke up, "Can I talk with Deku alone, please?" he asked. 

Mina nodded and gave Denki a quick hug before leaving. Once the door closed, the stiffness seemed to melt from his body. 

"I need to talk to you about...your relationship," he said. I frowned and he nodded. "What about it?" I ask quietly.

"How....far...are you with him?" he asked. It took a minute for me to realize what he was talking about. I blushed deeply and stuttered, "N-no. We aren't that far. I haven't even seen him shirtless yet." Denki smiled a little. "That little girl is your daughter, so you clearly get far," he said. I coughed and said, "That's a way off though," I said. He laughed quietly and looked at him.

"What?" I ask. He smiled and said, "I'm just trying to imagine me with Shinsou like that." I relaxed and smiled, my blush fading. Before I could reply, someone came into the dorm, looking frazzled. "Denki, I think you need to see this," Hagekure said, her shirt moving greatly as if out of breath. I looked at Denki and we ran down the hallway, turning the corner and running down the stairs. A kid around our age sat on the couch, he turned his head and I noted how he a yellow shaped lightning bolt in his hair like Denki's. I linked and took down his appearance. Lavender colored hair--minus the lightning bolt. He had mustard colored eyes with bags under them. I looked to Todoroki who had come in with Shinsou. The kid stood up and looked at Denki then Shinsou. I gasped and everyone who was in the room looked at me. I pointed to Shinou then moved my hand slowly to Denki. Denki blinked slowly, a blush forming when I then pointed to the little kid. 

"What is it with kids from the future coming here?" Bakugo asked. I looked at him and Kirishima squeezed his hand. "Calm down, bro," he murmured. Bakugo huffed and Kirishima chuckled nervously. "You four are in trouble," he said dully, pointing at Denki, Shinsou, Todoroki, and me. 

"Why?" I ask. He blinked and looked between Denki and Shinsou. "I can't tell you but if someone attacks Todoroki, you and Denki need to go with her, or Da--Shinsou and Todoroki die," he said.

"Why are we involved?" Shinsou asked. "Some jerkwad just can't seem to move on, "he said. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Denki. "Like I know he did that," he said. I smiled and nudged him. "He's your kid though," I said. He blinked and knew his gears were turning. I could practically hear them speed up before stopping and breaking apart, springs, and screws popping out. I smiled and he looked down.

"Did you come here on your own?" I asked. "Your daughter helped," he said. Sakura popped up and I frowned. "Is it the same person who took Todoroki?" I ask hesitantly. He nodded and Sakura hugged me. "We've done it before, we can do it again."

I nodded and hugged her looking at Bakugo and Kirishima. "For now, we'll let All Might and the other teachers know. We'll probably be given teachers to watch us again and new rules added for everyone," I said. Bakugo groaned and Kirishima silenced him with a peck on the cheek. 

"I am warning you, you'll only delay everything, " the kid said. 

I frowned and looked at Sakura. "Do you know who long we have to stay with her?"

She shook her head. "It is unknown to me, but we will do our best you get you two out." 

I sighed and looked at Denki. "For now, let's just stay together," I murmured. He nodded and the two kids disappeared in a blink. We walked over to Shinsou and Todoroki and we both hugged them. Todoroki and Shinsou walked us to Todoroki's room and we spent the night snuggling. I looked at Denki who held onto Shinsou with stiff limbs. 

"I love you Todoroki," I murmured. 

"I love you, more."

Baby Todoroki (SEQUAL)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now