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(Izuku will be about 19 and Shoto will be 19 as well in this chapter.)
Four years later:
I smiled as me and Shoto left the restaurant.
He held my hand gently, our finger intertwined. I looked at him, my smile still prominent.
Shot guided us down the street, headed for the beach a few blocks away. I watched the sunset as we crossed the street and walked down the steps, my feet connecting with the sand. I stumbled a little and Shoto helped me stay up.
I blushed and thanked him. He smiled and he walked us down the beach, the wind blowing mist.
I closed my eyes and inhaled the smell of the ocean. It was relaxing and calm, slowing my calm heartbeat.
I opened my eyes again and saw Shoto was guiding us to a gazebo on the docs. My blazer blew around me from the wind. I still wore my red shoes.
They still fit.
We walked onto the docs and we padded up the gazebo, the docs rocking from the small waves.
"Izuku...we've been dating for a few years and they have been the happiest of my life."
I giggled and hugged him.
"And I can't help...but feel like something is missing..."
I frowned and he continued slowly.
"Something is missing. It's not her. But it's something else. And after all these years, I figured it out. It's my happiness. My happiness isn't full."
I frowned and he pulled a small box out of his pocket. I covered my mouth as my eyes watered.
"Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" he asked, kneeling down.
I bent over as I cried.
I looked up at him before wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yes. Yes! One hundred times yes!"
He hugged me tightly and spun me around.
"I love you Izuku, " he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"I love you, too."
"Mom?" I ask as I opened the door to see her face.
Her face held worry and concern.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I think it's better if...if he explains, " she said.
Someone stepped into the frame of the door, coming from our front patio. I hadn't seen him so he had surprised me.
I jumped as I looked at him.
My face fell slack as I looked at his eyes.
I stumbled back as I processed who he was.
Todoroki came into the hallway and held me. I looked at my dad with shock.
"Who is this?" my dad asked me, looking at Todoroki.
"Why would you care?" I said before thinking. I slapped my hand over my mouth.
I gulped down my bile.
"E-excuse me, " I said, dragging Todoroki into the guest bedroom to the right.
I slammed the door and held Todoroki tight.
"Why is he here? After all these years?" I breathe, looking over Todoroki's shoulder at nothing in particular.
"What are you talking about Izuku?"
I pulled away as the first tear slipped.
"My dad."
I hugged him tightly as he set us on the bed. He rubbed my back as I cried a little.
"Izuku? Sweetie? Are you alright?" my mom asked, knocking on the door.
"He's fine Ms. Midoriya!" Todoroki called.
She said nothing and left the closed-door alone.
The doorknob turned a minute later and I looked at my dad, my eyes a little puffy.
"Why are you crying?" he asked softly.
I flinched away from his outreached hand.
He pulled away and looked at Todoroki.
"You must be his roommate, " he said awkwardly.
Shoto narrowed his eyes before huffing through his nose.
"You could say that, " he said, hugging me. I stared at my dad.
"Why?" I breathe.
He looks at me with sad eyes.
"Why? After all these years? Is it because I'm getting married?" I ask, getting ticked.
My dad sighed.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you were a kid. I can't make that up. But I could at least make it to your marriage to the lucky girl."
I nearly snorted.
Todoroki let out a cough and I lowered my head, a smile forcing its way onto my lips.
"Girl?" I laughed.
"Sorry—woman, " my dad said.
"Who said it was female?" Shoto said.
I sniggered and covered my mouth.
My dad went quiet before pointing between me and Shoto.
I smiled softly at his reaction.
"Sir, I proposed to your son after asking his mother for his hand in marriage, " Shoto explained in a monotone voice.
I kissed his cheek and smiled at Shoto.
"I I wasn', " he murmured.
"You are still invited to come if you still want to, " I said.
My dad nodded hastily.
"I'd love to see how much my son has grown."
I flashed a small smile. He went in for a hug and I put my hand out, holding him back easily.
"Baby steps."
He nodded and pulled away.
"You are one strong man, " he commented.
"All Might trained me for nine months, " I said softly.
I nodded, thinking of all the trash I had to move from the beach.
"He did?" Shoto asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, because...of my quirk."
Shoto made an 'o' before nodding and looking away.
"Who's quirk do you have again?" Dad asked quietly.
"It must be from Mom's side, " I said softly.
He frowned and I said, "I'm not permitted to say."
He nodded and my phone went off.
I answered and smiled as All Might congratulated me on the engagement.
"I'm on my way with Katasudon!" he said happily. I smiled and glanced at my dad.
"Alright, thank you, " I said.
"I am so glad for you my boy!" he cheered before hanging up. I smiled and Todoroki kissed my head.
"Alright, I think you need to leave, " I said quietly, standing up. My dad frowned and the doorbell rang.
"That is your cue, time for you to leave, " I said.
I shoved my dad to the door and opened it, shoving Dad out and dragging All Might in. I slammed the door and Dad's knocking filled the hallway.
"Who was that?" All Might asked. I frowned and looked down.
"No one important, " I said.
Todoroki squeezed my hand and All Might changed the subject.
"I brought the Katsudon, " he sang. I smiled and borough it into the kitchen. Mon came in after a minute, smiling at the sight of All Might.
"Where did your father go?" Mom asked.
"He left, " I said coldly, setting bowls out. All Might frowned and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't—" I said sharply before relaxing again.
"I'm fine. I just don't want to talk to him right now."
Mom sighed and nodded.
Todoroki handed All Might a bowl. I gave Mom one and then Todoroki.
As we enjoyed the food, All Might asked, "So, I have a question. If two guys get married, who wears the dress?"
I choked on my tea and gave him a surprised look.
"Izuku, " Todoroki deadpanned.
I blinked and stuttered, "I-I mean. I could. I-if I wanted to. But we could both wear tuxedos...r-right?"
My mom giggled and I blushed.
"I think it won't matter. As long as you two are happy."
The doorbell rang again and I got up partly, Todoroki stopping me before getting up and looking through the peephole.
He opened it and Kirishima came through, smiling happily.
He held onto Kacchan's hand as more people came in. Most of my first-year class was here. Mina looked ready to explode as she shook Shinsou and Denki.
They were now dating and were adorable.
Kacchan and Kirishima were still dating, a ring on their fingers for their engagement as well. And it shocked me that Kirishima was the one to pop the question a few months ago. Their marriage was in a few weeks.
All Might laughed and smiled at his former students.
I smiled broadly but it fell when I spotted my dad in the back. I sighed and got up, walking past everyone, and dragging him outside.
"I told you that you needed to leave, " I hissed. He frowned and I clenched my jaw.
"I am your father, " he retorted.
"Fine. Let's go with that sad excuse. If you were my father, then why did I have 19 great birthdays without you? Why did I learn how to shave on my own? Why did I learn to fight for myself on my own with All Might's help? Why did All Might replace that role when it should have been you?"
My dad said nothing and I held my breath, my eyes burning.
The door opened and Todoroki came out, dragging me back in, shooting my dad a glare before slamming the door a little too hard. I stared at the door as Shinsou came up to us.
"Who was that?"
I shook my head and blinked, my focus leaving the door. "No one, " I said, pushing my emotions into a bottle to let out later. Though, usually, it ended up with me having a break down because the bottle overfilled after a month or so of bottling my emotions.
"Are you sure? He looked a little distressed that you were acting rudely towards him, " Mina said softly.
"I think after years of not showing up, he deserves it."
Kacchan locked eyes with me and frowned.
He did that a lot, but this one had a feeling of sympathy and sadness.
"Why did your Dad show up? Of all times?" Kacchan asked, getting angry.
"I was getting married, " I shrugged as everyone gasped.
Kacchan growled Kirishima held him back as he threw insults at the closed door. I peeked out a window and saw him swinging on the bench of our house. I opened the door and shouted out.
"Go away Hisashi!"
He stood up as I closed the door. I walked past everyone as they looked at me.
"Sorry I made this awkward, " I said. Momo put a hand on my shoulder.
"I'll make some food for us all. I mean, you need this night to relax and have fun."
I smiled and she began creating ingredients to make more Katsudon. Mina dragged me to my living room and everyone split up to do something.
Todoroki stayed by my side, his hand on my waist. I leaned on his shoulder as music filled the room from the old gramophone.
I closed my eyes and a bowl was put into my hand. I saw it was my Katsudon. I smiled and moved to hold the bowl with one hand and eat it with the other from the chopsticks still in the bowl. My mom flashed me a smile and All Might swayed with her to the music. I watched as Kirishima did the same with Kacchan.
He was clearly upset at it but his eyes gave away that he was loving the dance with his fiánce.
Shinsou sat in the recliner with Denki curled up beside him. No one has really changed their look since the first year. Mina's hair was still poofy a pink as ever. Maybe even poofier.
I finished the bowl and went into the kitchen to put it away. Sero was helping Momo cook in the kitchen as I put the bowl in the sink.
I smiled as I witnessed my former class working together to make Todoroki's and I night the best ever.
And so far, it was amazing.

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