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I smiled as everyone finished up their Katsudon. Mom and All Might sat on the couch next to Momo and Sero, who were still eating as they were the ones who served everyone. A few people were sitting on the floor but most of us were standing while talking.
"Alright!" Mina cheered, coming back from the kitchen. "Let's give a big applause to the man who finally popped the big question to Midoriya!"
Everyone immediately burst into clapping and Momo and Sero set their bowls down to clap properly.
Todoroki was unfazed and Mina announced to me.
"And a big applause to the man who said yes!"
I blushed and covered my face as everyone cheered loudly, the sound barely reach my ears as it came form another room.
A soft knock came from the door and I looked at it with wonder. It couldn't be Dad. Right?
I walked over and opened it, smiling when Toga jumped in to give me a hug.
"I'm so happy for you!" she cheered. I smiled and she gave me another bear hug.
"Thank you," I groaned, feeling my back pop.
She smiled happily and quickly put my hair in a bun. I smiled bashfully and dragged her into the living room, closing the door with my foot.
Momo has finished eating so she created a blindfold, handing it to Toga.
She quickly put it around my head, covering my eyes. I lifted it up but she swatted my hand down.
"Toga!" I whined, putting my arms out as she pushed me forward. She sat me on the ground and I sat there, prepared for something like a punch. After years in school, it's a bad habit.
Almost sad, too.
Nothing happened. I heard nothing as the clock ticked by. After what felt like a minute, Toga called out for me to take the blindfold off.
I did so and Todoroki's face was on mine before I could get the thing off all the way. I let out a yelp of surprise and he pushed me down towards the floor. I pulled away I looked to the side and blush brightly. I closed my eyes and covered my face, an attempt to hide my embarrassment.
"Here, " someone said. I peeked through my fingers to see a small white box in a pink hand. I took it with both hands looking at it.
Mina smiled happily and I blinked slowly, my blush fading. I opened it slowly and saw a folded up piece of paper. I took it out and unfolded it.
I frowned and looked at Mina. She had bought a couch for us, it was the receipt but any numbers had been drawn over in sharpie. I suppose I could get another one but they were expensive to buy.
"You didn't have to, " I said. Mina shrugged.
"You guys needed another couch for in this large living room. It was too spacey the last time I came over here."
I rolled my eyes playfully and Momo pressed a large box into my hands. I opened it and saw a white tuxedo for Todoroki. I smiled and easily imagined Todoroki standing under the archway. It was pure bliss. It was amazing and it made want to put it on him myself.
Todoroki wiped my happy tears away and I hugged him, closing my eyes.
"I think that need a few moments alone, " my mom murmured softly, everyone leaving in a rush of footsteps that overlapped.
I cried silently as I overfilled with joy.
"What wrong?" Todoroko asked. I smiled and kiss his lips with a strong intention.
"I'm so happy, " I whisper, pulling away. He smiled and hugged me again, my tears staining his shirt.
He kissed the top of my head and I moved to sit between his legs. I leaned on his chest as I relaxed, still crying but with happiness.
They slowly stop until my mind fluttered away and I fell asleep.
I sat up in out bed, Todoroki missing. I panicked, my heart racing as I flailed my arms around for anything warm or cold of his body. I let out a soft cry and when nothing happened, I let out a scream, holding my head as I rocked back and forth. The door to our bedroom opened and Todoroki rushed to me, wearing a cooking apron. Oh...
"It's okay...shhhhhh, I'm right here, " he whispered into my ear, pulling me put of bed and into his hold. I wrapped my arms around his chest, holding him as close as I could.
"Shhhhh, " he murmured. "I just went to cook your breakfast. I'm not leaving my fiánce ever."
I smiled and looked up at him, my eyes a little puffy.
He nodded and he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. As he pulled away, I tiptoed to keep the kiss longer before letting his lips go.
"Let's have some breakfast, " he chirped happily. I held onto his hand as we got into the kitchen. He placed a bowl of rice in front of me that had an egg yolk on top.
I ate in happily and had another bowl of his religious cooking before setting the dirty bowl in the sink. All the dishes were gone. I don't now if Todoroki did the dishes or if one of my friends did, but, as far as I was concerned, I didn't care as long as I had Todoroki with me.
You see...over the years...I've grown into a fear called Isolophobia. It goes by many names but in the end, it's just a fear. But to me, it hits me harder than it should. It is the fear of being alone. Forgotten. Despite being a hero and having tons of kids who look up to me, the people I really have in my life are All Might, Mom, and Todoroki. Sure I have my old class, but they weren't with me most of my life. All Might be there, helping support me through TV shows, while Mom was there to help raise me. Todoroki was the love of my life and I don't know if I could live if he rejected me or died. The thought alone was just pure horror.
I sat on the couch after breakfast with Todoroki. Everything was clean and all the boxes of unopened presents from last night lay piled in a corner.
"You fell asleep before we could finish opening them, " Todoroki informed me, pulling me into his side. I curled up next to him and took a deep breath through my nose.
Yes, this was heaven right here, next to the love of my life, my fiánce, my husband, Shoto Todoroki.

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