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The girls put their hands on our shoulders and one on our other hand. The girl I was dancing with had a big grin and her yellow eyes flashed with joy. What made me freeze up was all the other people that were in the room as well. Men and women were dancing as well and I wished that Todoroki was among them. I kept my mouth shut as she danced with me. I was trying to give off the vibe that I was uncomfortable but she clearly didn't care, or she didn't notice it. We passed Denki and the other girl who was pressing her self against him. I broke away from the girl and pulled Denki out of the girl's grasp. I placed my hand on his hip and the other in his hand. 

"Thanks," he breathed. I nodded and looked to where the girls were watching with anger flaring in their eyes. I smirked a little and whispered, "Ooooo, she is angry," I said in a flamboyant accent. Denki grinned at my reference and said, "The girl I was dancing with, her name is Aiko."

I nodded and he shivered. I frowned and dipped him as the song ended. "Why are they throwing this party?" I ask as I pulled him back up. The girls were watching us intently. Their gazes were burning where they roamed over me. "To get closer to us most likely," Denki muttered. I snort. "How? We both are already in a relationship," I said. Denki smiled, his lips shaking a little. They fell down into a frown and said, "What if they threaten Shinsou and Todoroki?"

I frowned and spun Denki around, pulling him back. "I don't think they will do that. They want us to like them, so I think they'll try to swoon us with looks and things like gifts." Denki sighed, twirling me. "Do you think Sakura will come by at all?" he asked. I shivered and shook my head. "She is unsure with this whole thing, I don't think she'll come by at all unless absolutely necessary."

Denki nodded and he dipped me. "Fill my Void" by Sky McCreery came on and I flicked my gaze to the two girls. "Let's get some punch, I'm thirsty," I stated. Denki nodded and we headed over to the table where the punch was. The girls followed and sped up to catch up with us. 

"Fill my void," the speakers sang. I frown and take a cup, filling it with punch. Denki did the same and I dipped my head in nodding but to others, it would have looked like I was nodding my head to drink from the punch. Denki dipped his head down, taking a sip from the cup. We put on bored masks and looked at the girls as they bounded up to us. "How are you?" they asked in unison. "Could use some love," I said. The girl who I had been dancing with stepped forward. 

"From my boyfriend, "I added, glancing at Denki. The girl froze and stepped back again, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Where is he?" Denki asked. I looked at him before shooting a shape look at the girl. "Back at school, where we should be." Aiko chirped up. "School sucks though, wouldn't you prefer dancing?" she asked. I shook my head. "I like school, and so does he," I jerked my chin at Denki. "Are you trying to make us take you back?" the first girl asked darkly. I shrugged, "I mean, I would like it. I don't think you'd enjoy being held somewhere against your will and the one you love threatened to be killed." She looked up at me, her eyes flashing with pain. I had struck a nerve. A deep one at that. "Why don't you just forget him?" she screamed over the music. I frowned, lifting my upper lip. "Because I love him! I love Todoroki! Not you! Why don't you just get over me and move onto a different person--who is single?!" 

"Because I love you!" she screamed back. I sighed. "But I don't feel the same way towards you," I said quietly. A tear streamed down her face. "If you keep acting like that, I'll kill Todoroki," she snarled. Aiko gasped and grasped her shoulder. "Aimi! You said you wouldn't harm him!" 

Aimi rolled her shoulders. "I take those words back," she said. 

As the gears in my head turned, I looked at Denki. He stood there, frozen. "You love me right?" I ask Aimi. She nodded and smiled. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Denki. His eyes widened at my suggestion my eyes gave off and he shook his head. I clenched my jaw. He frowned and looked away, holding his arm out me. I grabbed it and showed Aimi. "Make the order to kill Todoroki, and I'll have him electrify me to death," I said. Denki haunches his shoulders and looked at me, his eyes pleading. I did nothing. "You wouldn't," she said. I looked to the side, spotting a steak knife. I snatched it and held it, letting the lights reflect off of it. Aimi's eyes flashed with worry. "Then I'll do it myself," I said, holding the tip to my throat. She froze and I saw everyone slowly stop. "Why can't you just forget that boy?" she asked again. 

"Because I love him with all my heart, and there is nothing you can do, to change that. Killing him will only make my love for him more strong," I said. She clenched her fist and stepped forward. I pressed the blade in, drawing blood. She froze again and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Still want to kill Shoto?" I ask slyly. She curled her upper lip and looked away. "Fine. I'll lay off of your boyfriend," she muttered. I held the blade to my throat a second longer before dropping it.

"I'm done here," I said dryly. The knife clattered on the floor and I walked off, Denki following behind me. We left the room and went back to the room we were put in before.  I closed the door and went to one of the cots. I laid on it and Denki turned the lights off. "Good night, Midoriya. Hope we get out of here soon," he said. I smiled and murmured back, "Good night Denki."

Baby Todoroki (SEQUAL)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now