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"yoongi, what the hell was that?" namjoon yelled, grabbing the maknae by his wrist and throwing him on the couch. "do you understand the backlash we might get from that? not only did we not get paid, but they were thinking of suing us!"

the boy huffed and grabbed a pillow, hiding his face- only to get it taken away, causing the boy to let out a groan.

"for your information, he wanted an honest answer, i didn't lie. what did you want me to do, tell him that sparkly orange jacket looked amazing?" suga spoke, eyes tearing up, his nose was beginning to turn red, as well as his ears. some may say it's a sign of embarrassment, for them, or yoongi- feeling emotional.

the leader was taken aback, feeling bad for the younger. he never wanted to be harsh, but he felt like having the authority over the maknae was supposed to help him understand. unfortunately for him, he was wrong.

hoseok and the others walked up to the two boys, opening his arms for the youngest member to jump into. wrapping protective arms around his small waist, the happy sunshine turned into a scowling thunderstorm.

"namjoon, he didn't do anything wrong. leave him alone," taehyung tried to reason with his hyung, wailing his arms around. "let's all forget this happened and have a harry potter marathon!"

all the members nodded their head, expect for yoongi. he didn't want to do anything, especially with the leader. his cat-like eyes wondered around the room, as a sudden thought wrapped around his mind, causing it to feel all cloudy.

suga quickly ran up to his shared room with seokjin and slammed the door shut. he knew what the feeling was, but he was too ashamed to let anyone know- except jin. pacing back and forth around the room, he decided against fighting it, since he knew it would be no point.

looking underneath his bed, he found a wooden box labelled; 'yoonie's toybox~'. picking it up, he threw the lid open, looking around at some of the items.

he knew he was about to slip, so he quickly hurried up with his scavenger hunt. finally finding the necessary items, the boy picked them up, closed the lid and threw the box back underneath his bed.

sitting on the floor, he put a mint coloured pacifier in his mouth, instantly sucking on it. yoongi clipped black cat ears on top of his head, to match with his hair colour. and finally, to add to his playtime, his beloved, dearest, precious plushie; kumamon. he would admit, he was obsessed with him- but did he care? no.

while in his own little world, the boy didn't notice that the bedroom door opened.

"yoonie~" seokjin cooed, smiling brightly at his dongsaeng. the aforementioned looked at his hyung and giggled lightly. he made grabby hands at the elder, who quickly picked him up.

"you know, yoonie," jin started, chuckling at the little's antics. "i think you should tell the others... it's been two years."

and just like that, the happiness suga felt quickly evaporated.

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