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jimin and taehyung was sat down at a small circular table, both in pain by the tight chairs they were squished into. mostly tae. he didn't understand how jimin wasn't in a lot of pain, like him.

but, the two boys were risking their bottoms for their adorable little. by yoongi's request of having a tea party, they couldn't refuse.

"more tea, sir taehyung?" hoseok teased, wiggling his eyebrows. he enjoyed the sour face the younger put on for him.

"no, thank you, peasant hobi, i'm quite alright." the younger snapped back, folding his arms.

"nu 'ight!" yoongi whisper-yelled. "tae pawty ish un pwog'ess!" the little pouted, sitting down comfortably in his 'throne.'

which, obviously wasn't a throne. it was just a new chair that jin had forgotten about. he thought about dazzling it with some jewels, and having namjoon spray paint in gold. it made the little think that he really was sitting on the throne.

"we're sorry, princess." jimin smiled, holding up a small cupcake that seokjin had made for their tea party. "would you like some tea?"

yoongles shook his head. "yoonie wan' candy!~" the little yelled, his gummy smile on full display.

"um, baby-" hoseok started, feeling unsure about the boy having sugar late at night.

"oh, it'll be fine!" jungkook shouted, appearing into the room. "nothing will happen, right yoongi?"

the aforementioned nodded his head frantically, making grabby hands at the older.

exactly what could go wrong?

is what hoseok thought. he's staring at the little who was currently bouncing off the walls.

no, it isn't just the old saying— he really is bouncing off the walls.

"kim teahyung, park shortmin, jung hoesuck! get into this kitchen at once!"

the three boys looked at eachother, already knowing the consequences that is on its way. they walked into the room, heads down, pouting lightly.

"thanks to you idiots, yoongi is on a sugar rush. it's supposed to be his nap time, why would you interrupt it?" seokjin questioned, sitting on the kitchen island, eyebrows raised.

"y-you see-"
"we didn't think-"
"it wasn't really-"

"i'm dying for a packet of quavers, oh god." namjoon ran into the kitchen, dragging out the said packets and hugging them tight to his chest. "don't worry my friends, papa has you now." he smiled, dimples on full display.

jin let out a 'tsk' noise. "kim bangjoong. why are you in this kitchen? who lifted your ban?"

the leader dropped his quavers, slowly turning around to see the person behind him.

"jin- hi! i didn't see you there.. oh! hobi, taehyungie!"

while namjoon was panicking with what to say, he didn't process that he forgot a member that was standing right next to him.

"excuse me mr. talljoon!" jimin yelled, slapping the back of the leaders head. "i'm short not invisible!"

namjoon sheepishly ruffled his own hair, tilting his head at the other members, "why are you all looking like something bad happened anyway?" he asked, eyes staring holes at the others.

"yoongi is um..." jimin started, not really sure how to word it.

"he's dead?! oh my god why didn't you fools tell me!" joon shouted-whispered, bottom lip beginning to quiver.

ah yes, the man with 148iq really thought their precious little had passed on. how many days of having no quavers did he have? only seokjin knows.

and with that, the oldest slapped the leader across the face.

"you uneducated tree! yoonie is not dead, he had too much sugar thanks to these three numpties." he gestured towards the boys.

the leader nodded his head, "do you three know how important nap times are for littles?" the boys shrugged their shoulders and looked down, "very important."

"now, yank him on his 'throne', tie him to it, and try and force him to sleep." namjoon spoke.

seokjin pushed the taller out of the kitchen, due to his ban and walked upstairs to his room.

"sooo... who's it..?" taehyung asked, not wanting to tie the maknae to a chair.

jimin and hoseok stared at him. all knowing that jungkook stepped into the room. at the wrong time.

"not it."

"not it."

"not it."

"you're it!" the three boys pointed to the second youngest, who stared at them with a shocked face.

"i'm 'it' how? have i witnessed bangpd changing his clothes? have i accidentally set the garden on fire? i don't understand.." kook said, tilting his head to the side.

"um... what."

"juan junglecock! get outside right now you milk man!"

yup.. he was definitely 'it'.

not proofread uwu (hehehe)
please correct me for some mistakes though :]

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