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jungkook tilted his head as he clinged onto taehyung. "hey, did anyone find what yoongi did a bit odd?"

the others in the room nodded, agreeing with the younger.

"i thought so, too," jimin replied, ruffling his blonde hair. "but it seems like it's a routine. he rarely talks to us now. only jin hyung."

namjoon's brows furrowed when hearing his crush's name. "you don't think... they like eachother, do you?"

taehyung snickered, light giggles escaping from his rosy red lips.

"i know you like him, hyung. but i doubt yoongi would like him. besides, i heard jin~hyung like someone else."

tae quickly slapped his hand on his mouth, feeling guilty as he didn't do it fast enough. he glared at namjoon, who looked a bit hurt and confused.

all of a sudden, the oldest member of bangtan walked down the wooden stairs, holding the hand of a shaking little.

the boys' head turned to the males, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. they all noticed that yoongi had his tiny thumb in mouth, suckling on it a lot- mostly out of nervousness.

"h-hey hyung... w-why is yoongi.." jungkook trailed off, eyes darting to his small maknae, back up to the older.

"why's he got his thumb in his mouth?"
"why's he sucking on it?"
"why's he holding hyung's hand?"

mostly all of the boys turned to hoseok at his question.

taehyung snorted a little. "who doesn't love to hold hands with people?"

jin cleared his throats to get the other members attention. he noticed that yoongi tightened his grip on seokjin's hand.

"i need you all to hear me out, and hopefully not hate yoongi," he began, sighing lowly to himself, eyes glaring into the other boys' head. "he's a little."

not proofread.

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