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"he's a what?!" the other members asked— actually, yelled.

yoongi jumped, whimpered, and hid behind his precious hyung. suga's tiny, chubby hands were shaking vigorously, desperately pulling seokjin's arm a little. "h-hyung..."

the older immediately got put into his 'caregiver' mode that he didn't know he had, and scooped up the younger, holding him close. "please, don't yell. if you got questions, then say it quietly."

the other members nodded their heads, all curious about the small boy. having agreeing to sit on the sofa, yoongi was on jin's lap, hiding his precious face in the other's broad chest.

the silence was killing jimin, so he decided to speak up first. "so, our cold-hearted suga.." he stopped to find the right words. "is an adorable little?"

"awe~ look at his chubby cheeks!~" taehyung blurted out, gushing over his adorable maknae. "jinnie, can I hold him?"

the said boy looked at the younger with a worried expression. of course he trusted tae, but with the newly found little? not that much...

"how about you get him a lollipop instead?"

taehyung pouted but obeyed nonetheless. he wanted to desperately hold their newfounded little- only to get rejected by the oldest.

"joonie, can you go fetch yoongi a blanket, i think he's cold." seokjin pointed out, looking at the little who was shaking.

the leader dashed out of the living room and into his own, looking around for the object. with no luck, his eyes wondered off to glare at jin and yoongi's room door. shrugging his shoulders, he allowed his feet to take him there. "yoongi might have a cuddly blankie." joon whispered, opening the door.

unsurprisingly, suga had a kumamon blankie, lying on his bed. although seokjin had wanted him to bring a blanket, namjoon thought you bring his maknae's favourite character to him.

taehyung had wondered back into the living room, lollipop in hand, flashing his boxy smile to his adorable maknae.

"here you go, yoonie, open up~"

the little obeyed, allowing the cherry flavoured lollipop to slip into his mouth. his eyes wondered over to his hyung's, making grabby hands.

"wi' one of hyun's pway with yoonie?" the little asked, voice a bit muffled from his shyness. when he got no answer, he lowered his head, afraid he did something wrong.

"of course we'll play with yoonie!~" hobi exclaimed, picking up the boy, smiling brightly. "what does my favourite wanna play, huh?"

suga thought for a moment, although he was deep in littlespace to even do so. "et's have a tae pawty!" yoongi pointed to the aforementioned, giggling lightly.

"of course, baby boy."

i hasn't updated sweet but psycho in a month, 'm soreyyyy -
not proofread.

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