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honestly i feel like this whole chapter is just crack-


"Oh dear", Jungkook's mother hummed this morning when Jungkook walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. He had barely slept last night, busy thinking about whether or not he had scared Taehyung off with his behaviour last night. When he woke up early today, even without any alarm clock on, he looked into the mirror and let out the biggest sigh.
There wasn't even motivation to put a little make up on as he usually did every morning, so he just grabbed a big hoodie and pulled it over his head.

That should be enough for school.
"You look sleepy", she hummed und ruffled Jungkook's hair softly. "How did things go with your boy?", she asked curiously.

Oh right, Jungkook had told her about Taehyung yesterday.
How great.

"As I said, he doesn't like me back."
Jungkook bit into an apple while staring through the kitchen. His father was already gone for work which he was glad for, he liked spending the mornings before school with his mother. It just happened to be the best time of his day with her.
"Oh, honey I'm sure it's not like that", she said softly and started preparing him his lunch for school. Yes, Jungkook was 16 years old and still got his lunch made by his mother-, he lived every teenager's dream.

"But it is", Jungkook laughed. "I can't be gay anyways, so", he let out a sigh, biting his lips when he remembered how his father would seriously kick him out of the house if he would come out to him as gay. He thought it was unmanly and weird to like the same gender-, well only if it was boys. Jungkook's sister was literally a lesbian and he had never said a thing, he just gave her a thumbs up.

"Of course you can be gay", his mother corrected, "You just can't tell your Dad as long as you're not old enough to move out. I don't want things to get out of hand here."

"Why does he dislike gay boys so much?", Jungkook crossed his arms, "It's not like I'm less Jungkook just because I like it different in the bedroom than him-"

"Honey please", his mother blushed at the thought of her son's preferences in the bedroom. "I don't want to know that as well-"
Jungkook rolled his eyes and was about to say something but the door bell rang. Like it did every morning.

It was probably Jimin, coming to pick Jungkook up because Taehyung always drove them to school. Jungkook and Jimin refused taking the bus to school the second Taehyung had his driver license, so now the older was stuck with the boys every morning.
When Jungkook's mother went there to open the door, there wasn't Jimin though. He sat back in the car, focused on a game on his phone.

Instead there stood this tall guy with broad shoulders. Mrs Jeon's eyes widened at the sight of this kid. He was more than just pretty-, he literally was exactly what she imagined her son to like in a boy. And from that moment on she was convinced, this guy was exactly her son's type.

"Oh, good morning Taehyung", she smiled. "Kookie is still eating his breakfast, you can come in."

The boy looked a little awkward, "I'm just here to pick him up-", he explained his entrance as he stepped towards the kitchen where Jungkook sat with his cheeks full of apple and his eyes big when he saw Taehyung standing there with a hint of shyness.
"He's done in a minute", Mrs Jeon hummed, smiling way too happily for the fact that it was 7:30am.

"So, I heard you guys had movie night yesterday?", she now said, grinning at the boy who still stood there, leaning in the door frame awkwardly as he watched Jungkook eating.
"Mom", Jungkook groaned out, embarrassed by his mother trying to make conversation with Taehyung.

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