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This day sucked.

Jungkook got home after school and threw his bag on the kitchen floor, grabbed a piece of the cake his mother had been baking all morning and then rushed upstairs without even saying hi to his mother. His father was still at work, so his mom just looked after him in confusion, not sure what got into her usually so bright son.

Jungkook slammed his door shut and turned his speakers up, playing some angry rap music loud as fuck even though that wasn't his type of music at all.
He just stuffed the cake into his mouth and threw himself on the bed and his phone in a corner. No one was texting him anyways.

His mother, still worried, slowly walked after him and knocked onto his door but Jungkook only threw his shoe at the door to make sure she would get the hint that he wanted to be alone for now.
The woman gave up after a while and decided that this was just puberty hitting her son today a little harder than usually.

Jungkook grabbed his blanket, pulled it above his head and started crying. The boy was so overwhelmed and he just longed for Taehyung's touch. He'd give anything to just be with him right now, kissing him and cuddling with him on the bed. Talking about the most random things while being able to smell his sweet scent, he always smelled like a mix of strawberries and vanilla-, with a hint of honey.
Jungkook just wanted to nuzzle his face in the older's neck while being pressed to Taehyung's chest, his arms wrapped around the younger's small body. All Kook really wanted was to be hold by the boy. Right now.
Not anytime soon, no. Right fucking now.
This just sucked and he hated everything and everyone.

The next two hours he spent with mindlessly switching the music on his phone to a point where he got annoyed of himself for never having a song for more than twenty seconds. Then he spent half an hour scrolling through tiktok but because he usually watched couple tiktok, he got sad again because his boy wasn't there. So his next way led him to Netflix which was full of bullshit, taking him to a porn website where he searched up gay porn until he found one where the actor kinda looked similar to Taehyung.
He got off to that and was a bit more relaxed afterwards, snuggling himself into his blankets and pillows, hugging himself while he started crying out of nowhere.

Anger slowly fading away, quickly replaced by the aching pain in this chest that must be coming from his heart.
Never in his life would he have thought that missing someone was that painful.

Of course he had missed people before.
Like his mother or his dad when he went on trips with school, Jungkook had always been that kid that would cry in silence at night because he couldn't sleep without knowing his parents were in the next room. But missing Taehyung was a whole other level. It felt like craving sweets or pie on a day where rain is pouring outside and you're stuck inside, longing for the things you don't have at home right now.
Jungkook sobbed for a lot longer until he heard someone unlocking his door from outside and stepping inside.

The only one who would do that was his father, so Jungkook immediately turned around and looked at his father who stood in front of his bed and looked down on his son worried. "Are you alright there, buddy?", he asked carefully.
Jungkook just broke into tears all over again.

Mr Jeon was a little startled, not sure how to give the boy comfort now. He had never been the one who gave his son the hugs or lovely words he needed to hear, the boy always wanted his mother to come and assure him everything was going to be fine.
But right now, Mr Jeon refused to leave this job to his wife as always. It broke his heart seeing his boy lay there, tears dripping down his reddened cheeks and his hands shaking because he couldn't stop crying so hard.
"Hey, hey hey", he said with his cracky voice, sitting down next to Jungkook before slowly reaching out for his shoulders and patting those carefully. "What's wrong?"

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