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It was around 3am when Jungkook woke up again, this time by someone slowly opening the door and tapping inside. Just when he noticed that, he also realized that Taehyung wasn't laying besides him anymore.

No. Instead the boy stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by nothing but darkness and only the soft shimmer of moonlight made him visible to Jungkook.

"It's 3am what are you doing", Jungkook sighed, rubbing his eyes to get a clearer sight. "Where were you and why aren't you in my arms?"

Taehyung smiled a bit and then walked closer and sat down next to Jungkook and stared down at him. He didn't feel drunk at all anymore, his mind clearer than it had ever been before after he walked around in the warm summer air of the night for half an hour. "I need to tell you something." He bit his lips, looking at Jungkook through his dark lashes which gave Kook heart skips all over again. God, it was in the middle of the night, he could not feel things like this right now.

"Like what", the boy hummed, still too sleepy to have one useful thought.

"I walked through this university campus until I found roses", the older explained and pulled out two pretty red roses from behind his back. "It was really difficult because there were constantly lights going on and dogs barking. Did you know they have dogs on campus? Because I didn't."

"Taehyung it's 3am why do you go outside and pick roses", Jungkook chuckled and pulled Taehyung down on the mattress so he could give him a kiss. This boy was just too adorable to be true, he couldn't be from this world with that big box smile and the sparkle eyes that made even the night seem light.

"It's because I need to tell you something", Taehyung repeated his words from before.

"Okay, babe. Tell me what's on your chest", Jungkook finally sat up once he noticed how serious the older was about all of this. He took Taehyung's hand and intertwined their fingers while waiting for the boy to start speaking.

He scratched his neck nervously, gulped and stared down at his lap.

"Look, I-", he stuttered, "I want to date you", he then blurted out. "Because I'm in love with you", he added in the smallest voice, turning shy the second he let those words leave his trembling lips.

Before Jungkook could even react, the boy got even more anxious and tried to justify his feelings, saying, "I know I said lots of times that you're just like a brother to me. And that I am straight. And lots of other things-, but you are the best person in this world Jungkook and I would love to call you mine-"

Kook didn't answer, he pulled Taehyung in and pressed their lips together so smoothly. The boy wrapped his arms around Taehyung and pulled the blanket above them, making the atmosphere even more cuddly and soft.

Then he pulled back and stared at Taehyung's eyes that were full of excitement and anxiety at the same time, still waiting for an answer.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend", Jungkook whispered against the older's lips, kissed his nose once and then added, "Because I'm in love with you since the day I've met you." He ended his sentence and got to see the brightest smile on Taehyung's beautiful facial features.


"Of course, wasn't it obvious??", Kook laughed but Taehyung snuggled up so close to the boy and kept kissing his cheeks, lips, nose and forehead that Kook couldn't even think of anything else but that beautiful boy on top of him who held him tight while showering him with so much love.

It should always be like that.

"That's all I had on my chest, now we can go back to sleep", Taehyung then said and shut his eyes immediately, still tangled up onto Jungkook's body.

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