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The clock almost stroke 4 o'clock when Taehyung finally got to his room after having a long, exhausting business dinner with his father and some colleagues of him. He had truly tried to focus on those talks, tried to take notes but in the end he still had no clue what this conversation had been about. All he heard was that it was about some products being shipped to Japan, but that was about it.
Maybe he stopped listening halfway through because he knew for a fact that he would never own up to what his father had planning out for him these past few weeks. Not once in his life would he even dared to dream about taking over his family's company. He was too used to being called the dumb kid, the one that would never get anywhere. Taehyung had always been the disappointment of the family, meanwhile Jimin had been the last spark of hope for his parents.

It all changed when his parents realized that they could get him married to a rich man's daughter.

That's where everything went so damn wrong.

Now he stood in front of his desk, his school bag on his chair in front of him. He went through his books, looking for the one he was supposed to read for English class. It was a drama of Shakespeare, another thing that would end up giving him headaches for the rest of the night.
There it was, he grabbed it and pulled it out when something small fell out of it.

A tiny, pink paper landed on the floor. Taehyung had never seen it before, curiously he bended down and picked it up, unfolding it carefully.
There was written down just one thing, "remember where we watched the sky full of stars when it all began? see u there at midnight xx"

Taehyung's heart dropped, he knew that handwriting and he knew the place that was described here. It gave him memories of when everything felt so good. Just laying next to Jungkook in the park, watching the stars and fantasizing about falling in love with him-, those were the times Taehyung missed by the bottom of his heart.
"Hey, what are you looking at ?!", a low voice made Taehyung freeze in every move, looking up slowly. "Nothing", he quickly said and tried to hide the small note behind his back.

Mr Kim walked closer, reaching out with his hand, "Give this to me."

"No", Taehyung squeaked out, "It's nothing, Dad. What are you doing up here?"
"Just wanted to check up on you", the man lied, "And tell you that we have another meeting with those guys from earlier, tomorrow evening. Tzuyu and her father will be there, I expect your best behavior. Or else-"

"Or else what?!", Taehyung snapped. "You're going to beat the shit out of me again? Go right ahead, Dad. The school will love to see me and my brother both covered in bruises", he said bitterly.

"When will you ever stop disobeying my orders?"

"Your orders? God, who are you? My teacher?", Taehyung gasped, arms crossed.
His father simply grabbed the boy by his hair and pushed him backwards until he had a pretty harsh meeting with the wall, groaning out in pain. His head felt a little dizzy after getting it slammed backwards against the wall. "Oh fuck, what did I do now", he whined.
"You disrespected me, as always", Mr Kim said sharply. "Give me the paper right fucking now."

Taehyung let out a sigh and handed the man the paper, eyes glancing down the floor.
The man wasn't even bothered reading it, he just ripped it apart and left the room angrily, rushing to his office.

Taehyung left behind, as always. He held his head, still whimpering in pain until he realized that his hand was full of blood. Great, his father got him bleeding once again.
That seemed to be a daily thing by now.


"Jungkook", Mr Jeon let out the biggest sigh as he entered his son's room this evening. "What are you being so loud for?!"

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