Day 2

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Today is Sunday, Nothing much has really happened besides continuous ppl yelling from mattias room like Jesus it's only day 2 how does he already have friends

Today I went to urban outfitters to get some new clothes cause now that I'm out of my house I can buy and wear whatever I want without my parents yelling so I dressed up all nice to go to the mall to chill cause really I can't do shit for the day

 -After the mall Arriving back to my dorm I see Mattia walking out his dorm and saying good bye to almost 5 people getting out his dorm, I smile at him while I unlock my door I go and make my self some coffee realizing I don't have sugar, shit , u...

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-After the mall
Arriving back to my dorm I see Mattia walking out his dorm and saying good bye to almost 5 people getting out his dorm, I smile at him while I unlock my door I go and make my self some coffee realizing I don't have sugar, shit , ugh maybe Mattia has some
Knocks on door
Elle: Hey sorry for the disturbance do u have some sugar I could use
Mattia: Yea right here (pointing to his lips)
I roll my eyes
Mattia: So u have a whole ass toaster but no sugar
Elle: well yes that's why I'm asking u
Mattia: Yea sure take this
Elle: Thanks, I guess now we even hay
I chuckle
Mattia: Yea I guess

When I give Mattia his sugar back he invites me in to chill and stuff I agree cause like nothing better todo

Mattia: So why don't u have a roommate
Elle: Well see, my dad basically pays for everything cause that's his way of "repaying" for his wrong doings so he picked out my dorm and everything
Mattia: So your spoilt
Elle: No I pay back my father when I have the chance
Mattia: I just didn't want a roommate cause then I can just chill with my friends with no one complaining you know
Elle: How have u already made friends
Mattia: well we have known eachother since maybe freshman year so we all still hangout we just didnt  get accepted in the same college
Elle: Oh well sorry, they seem like a fun crowd
Mattia: Yea they are, you should chill with us one time
Elle: I don't know u, what if this is all just ur plan to lure me in a basement and kill me
Mattia picks up his phone and says "boys she caught on,new plan!!" I chuckle
Mattia: Maybe you can get to know me then maybe on Friday we can hangout somewhere you know explore
Elle: I will have to see, but it was nice hanging out I'll see you around
Night Mattia
Mattia: Night beautiful

I proceed to walk out and back into my dorm, I probably should go with him but I need to work hard in school so I'll see how this week goes

Hey to my one reader that read my book💕I appreciate u dont forget to vote
Love You

Word Count:479

Him~ Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now